

  • 最佳热导率
  • 低热阻
  • 不导电
  • 无腐蚀性
  • 无出血
  • 非固化
  • GELID 涂抹器 & 7g 净含量

GC-2 导热膏(TC-GC-02-A)


借助 GELID 涂抹器,同类最佳的高级 GC-2 导热化合物可实现有效的热传递并更轻松地应用于 CPU、VGA 甚至芯片组冷却器。 GC-2 的净含量为 7 克,价格极具吸引力,比重超过 2.8 g/cm³。



“我发现 GC-2 化合物非常易于使用,并且在 IHS 和我试用过的几种冷却器类型的底座上都得到了应用。使用我尝试过的四种导热膏,包括之前的 GELID Solutions 化合物,我发现 GELID Solutions GC-2 导热膏性能最佳。在我们类似实验室的测试环境中,GC-2 的性能仅比前一个高 2 摄氏度,比其他两个测试的高出一个多度。新的导热化合物做得很好,就我会购买的导热化合物而言,它跻身前三名。” Tweaktown 网站


“GELID Solutions 之前的糊状物给我们留下了深刻的印象,我们对 GC-2 也留下了类似的印象。他们的新型导热化合物在负载和闲置条件下的性能超过了 Arctic Cooling 的 MX-2,这使其成为我们在任何系统构建中的首选。” 司机天堂网


Please download manual here.

February / 2012: Hwlegend.com

Possiamo affermare che Gelid Solution ha fatto un ottimo lavoro, cercando di soddisfare tutti gli utenti con la realizzazione di due prodotti di altissimo pregio cone la GC-2 e la GC-Extreme. La pasta termica GC-2 è un prodotto dedicato a chi vuole una soluzione di buona qualità senza troppi fronzoli e subito pronta all’uso. Con una spesa modica di 4,99€ la GC-2 si è dimostrata !"

May / 2011: PC Games Hardware

"Teure High-End-Wärmeleitpaste können nicht immer ihre Stärke ausspielen. Für Sparfüchse und bastelfreudige Anwender ist u.a das Produkt GELID Solutions GC-2 interessant, das eine gute Leistung bei einem fairen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis bieten."

September / 2010: Hardware-factory.com

"Letztlich handelt es sich jedoch um eine dennoch gut zu verwendende Paste zu einem guten Preis, die ihr schlechtes Abschneiden eher der sehr hochwertigen Konkurrenz verdankt als der eigenen Schwäche. Für Sparfüchse ist das günstigste Angebot in der Preissuchmaschine Geizhals von knapp über 3 € sicher ein Argument. Mit der ehemaligen Referenz Arctic Silver AS 5 vergleichbaren Performance handelt es sich alles in allem um eine professionelle Wärmeleitpaste, bei der man mit 7g sicher für einige Zeit sehr gut gerüstet ist. Sie eignet sich demnach für Vielbastler ebenso wie für den preisbewussten Anwender, und verdient sich unseren Best Price Award."

June / 2010: xpert-oc-team.de

"Die GELID Solutions GC-2 bietet eine gute Leistung bei einem guten Preis. Das Entfernen geht einfach bei den Produkt, doch das Auftragen gestaltet sich ein wenig zeitaufwendiger. Somit erhält sie den Preis- Leistungs-Award."

Februar/ 2010: Modding-source.com

"Wenn man die GC-2 Wärmeleitpaste von GELID Solutions in den Händen bekommt, merkt man direkt dass man es mit einem Premium – Hersteller zu tun hat. Die Verpackung ist sehr schön und ansprechend gehalten worden wobei aber das öffnen nur durch ein Messer oder Schere erfolgt. Die Konsistenz der GC-2 ist einfach Weltklasse und ist keineswegs zu klebrig. Dank dem Mini-Spachtel macht es sicherlich mehr Spaß die Paste aufzutragen, was ein sehr großer Plus Punkt an GELID Solutions ist! Deshalb bleibt uns keine andere Wahl und vergeben der GC-2 Wärmeleitpaste von GELID Solutions einen GOLD AWARD ! Für die Bereitstellung des Exemplars möchte ich mich nochmals an GELID Solutions recht herzlich bedanken."

September / 2009: Overclockingstation.de

"Die GC-2 ist durchaus für die normale Anwendungen gut geeignet und bei einer 7g Tube, mit einem zusätzlichen Spatel für die Verteilung, bekommt man einiges für sein Geld."

September / 2009: Futurelooks.com

"The GC-2 compound is a great value. Taking into account the price per gram and the temperatures posted, the GC-2 compound is clearly the definitive replacement for the bargain basement crap thermal grease that comes installed on most CPUs and chipsets. Overall Rating: 8.0/10.0"

September / 2009: Freeocen.de

"Die GC-2 überzeugt zwar in der Wärmeleiteigenschaft, nimmt man aber die Handhabung und den geringen Temperatur Unterschied zur Silver 5, so gewinnt die GC-2 den Bronze Award."

September / 2009: Tech-xtreme.com

"The GC-2 Thermal Compound from GELID Solutions is a great thermal compound for those of you wishing to shed a few degrees off your CPU’s temperature.  Compared with the NT-H1 compound which only sheds off 1 degree more, the GC-2 is a cheap and easy solution to solve your heating problems.If your computer is over heating and you need a cheap and easy fix then the GC-2 Thermal Compound from GELID Solutions is a great choice."

September / 2009: Overclock.lt

"Su overclock’intu procesoriumi termo pasta tvarkėsi sudėtingiau, bet vistiek aplenkė savo konkurentus ir iškovojo geriausią kainos/ kokybės apdovanojimą. GELID Solutions nors ir yra nauja kompanija, bet ji tikrai įrodė, kad jos produktai yra labai kokybiški ir tuo pačiu nebrangūs, nes šios termo pastos kainas siekia vos 7$. Ši termo pasta puikiai tinka paprastiems namų vartotojams su ne overclock’intom sistemom, nes tada ji parodo tikrai puikius rezultatus."

August / 2009: Uniquerigs.com

"These products from GELID Solutions are very nice add ons in your PCs interior. If you're looking for added cooling for your, PC give these cooling solutions a look. The thermal pastes nicely cooled down our CPU while the Wing fans cooled our case's interior. The fans were also very silent, even when you set it at the maximum settings. We give both the GELID Solutions Wing Fans, the GC-2 and the GC-Extreme a score of 9 out of 10 and our recommendation."

July / 2009: Poligonhardware.lt

"Ši termopasta skirta paprastesnėms vartotojams kurie nespartina savo kompiuterio, o ieško tylesnių sprendimų. GELID GC-2 parodė geresnius rezultatus negu daugiau kainuojanti Noctua NT-H1. U� ma�ą kainą ir gerus rezultatus šis produktas gauna “PoligonHardware puikus kainos/kokybės santykis apdovanojimą."

July / 2009: Technews.lt

"GC-2 is surely the best at price/performance with a great Eur/1ml ratio and decent efficiency."

July / 2009: Tweaktown.com

"GC-2 has been a pleasure to work with for testing, as the results are superior to the others and it is still easy to apply and clean up when needed. The results stand for themselves. I mean, what else can I say? GELID’s GC-2 handled the competition and was ready to keep cooling. With a suggested price of around $7 it puts others tested in their place. Some of our test samples are more expensive and with TIM you don’t always get what you pay for. When the TIM you currently own runs dry, I highly suggest you try a tube of GC-2, you won’t be disappointed."

July / 2009: Overclockzone.com

"เป็น อย่างไรครับ... กับคำตอบจากผลการทดสอบที่ผ่านพ้นไป ซึ่งก็น่าจะเป็นอะไรที่ชัดเจนแล้วว่าทาง GELID Solution นั้นไม่ได้โม้ ! จากคำกล่าวที่บอกกับเรามาว่า GC-Extreme ของเค้านั้นเย็นกว่า MX-2 และกับผลทดสอบของเราก็แสดงให้เห็นแล้วว่า เย็นกว่าจริงๆแม้จะเพียงแค่ 1-2 ํC ก็ตามที แต่กับเรื่องอุณหภูมิ กับตัวแปรแค่จากซิลิโคน ก็ไม่ใช่เรื่องง่ายนักที่จะสร้างความแตกต่างในระดับ 1-2 ํC ขึ้นมาได้ ก็นับว่าเป็นอีกหนึ่งตัวเลือกที่น่าสนใจจากผู้ผลิตน้องใหม่ในวงการสำหรับ GELID กับ GELID GC-Extreme และถ้ากลับไปดูกันที่ตัว  ซึ่งในเวลานี้คงจะหาซื้อไม่ได้แล้วเพราะทาง GELID นั้นได้หยุดสายการผลิตไปแล้ว และ GC-2 นั้น ต้องบอกเลยว่าในสองโมเดลนี้แทบจะไม่แตกต่างกันเลยในส่วนของระดับอุณหภูมิที่ ออกมา แต่ถ้าหากมองในอีกหนึ่งมุม GC-2 ก็ยังไม่หมดความหมายไปซะทีเดียว ด้วยขนาดความจุที่บรรจุมาก็ทำให้มันยังคงมีความน่าสนใจในตัวมันเองอยุ่ เพราะเราอาจจะกล่าวได้ว่าคุ้มค่ากับราคาด้วยปริมาณที่มากกว่าก็ได้อยุ่ ส่วนประสิทธิภาพก็ไม่ได้เลวร้ายอะไรมากนัก ยังอยุ่ในเกณฑ์ที่ยอมรับได้อยู่ แต่ที่แน่ๆสำหรับ GC-Extreme นั้นคงจะเป็นที่กล่าวถึงกันมากขึ้นอย่างแน่นอน เพราะมันสามารถมาสยบ Hot Hit ตลอดกาลอย่าง MX-2 ได้แล้ว แต่ ณ ตอนนี้ก็ได้ยินข่าวมาบ้างแล้วว่าทาง."

July / 2009: Turkchip.com

"GELID Solutions GC-2 termal macun performans, kalite, miktar ve fiyat açısından oldukça iyi. Yaptığım testlerde standart macuna göre; Idle durumunda 2C fark ederken, glacialtech igloo 5600 silent plus soğutucuda ise 1C derece fark etti. Full Load durumunda; intel stok fanda 2C derece fark ederken, glacialtech igloo 5600'da ise 4C derece fark etti. Standart bir termal macuna göre sadece bir termal macundan bu kadar performans farkı elde etmek oldukça iyi. Ayrıca bu kalitede 7 gram ağırlığındaki bir termal macun için fiyatı da oldukça makul. Genel olarak GC-2 Termal macunu değerlendirdiğimde."

July / 2009: Techpowerup.com

"GELID Solutions new high performance GC-2 compound shows us that adding applying a good thermal compound can really benefit the cooling of the CPU. Taking 15 degrees Celsius off the normal paste that comes with your Intel processor, coming in a large 7 gram tube and being priced the same as competitors 3.5 gram tubes, the GC-2 thermal compound is what you’re looking for if you are after a great performing grase with an outstanding price/performance ratio. Being paired with an applicator (an innovative, flexible piece of plastic aiding the application of the GC-2), you should not have to look any further than GELID Solutions GC-2 when shopping for a larger tube of grease at the competitions price. Rate: 9.6"

July / 2009: Poligonhardware.lt

"Ši termopasta skirta paprastesnėms vartotojams kurie nespartina savo kompiuterio, o ieško tylesnių sprendimų. GELID GC-2 parodė geresnius rezultatus negu daugiau kainuojanti Noctua NT-H1. U� ma�ą kainą ir gerus rezultatus šis produktas gauna "PoligonHardware puikus kainos/kokybės santykis apdovanojimą."

July / 2009: Bjoen3d.com

"GELID Solutions definitely has proven themselves to be one of the top manufacturers when dealing with thermal paste. The only place I was able to find a pricing for there GC-2 is currently at GELID's website. They have the GC2 with a MSRP of $7 USD, and coming in a large amount of 7 grams makes this thermal paste one of the cheapest, better performing thermal pastes out on the market today. Because of the amount you get, also with a good temperature of 56°C GELID Solutions GC2 Earns a: 9.5 out of 10, and the Bjorn3D Golden Bear Award."

July / 2009: Techxpert.lt

"GELID Solutions GC-2 termo pasta yra daugiau orientuota į paprastus kompiuterio vartotojus, todėl jos pateikiamas didesnis kiekis u� ma�esnę kainą. Nors šiek tiek ma�esni rezultatai nėra labai didelis trūkumas, u� tokią kainą tai yra puikus kokybės ir kainos santykis kokį tik galime rasti parduotuvėse šiuo metu."

July / 2009: eteknix.com

""The GC-2 is aimed more at the general end user, giving fantastic results compared to its competition as well as giving great value for money due to the amount of paste supplied. If you haven't got a big budget, but still want fantastic results. Then this is the paste for you. I'm going to give this 5 out of 5 stars."


Juli / 2009: Review-base.de

"Auch bei hoher Temperatur kann die GC-2 zeigen, dass sie nicht um sonst mehrere Preise abgeräumt hat. Das Herrausdrücken sowie verteilen der Paste war kinderleicht. Die Paste ist nicht nur für PC Laien geeignet. Auch Freunden der Overclocking Szene können wir die Paste ans Herz legen. Durch den großen Anwedungsbreich ist die GC-2 die perfekte Lösung im Allgemeinen PC Bereich."


June / 2009: Hwreviewlabs.com

"We can see that GELID Solutions GC-2 clearly outperforms Arctic Ceramique and it's previous paste,  showing that it is really worths its money. Despite not outperforming Arctic Silver 5 for slight difference, GC-2 is one of the best value for money thermal pastes. It has very low price, sufficient quantity of paste and better performance that Arctic Ceramique. Also applying GC-2 was a piece of cake, it is not so thick like Arctic Ceramique and this makes the spreading with the included spreader very easy."

June / 2009: Driverheaven.net

"GELID Solutions first entry into the thermal compound arena, it's previous paste was an impressive product and matched the best pastes on the market at the time of release. Since then the industry has moved on and to stay competitive a product refresh was required with the end result being GC-2. When we compare GC-2 to MX-2 the results favour the GELID Solutions paste in most scenarios, including the most demanding. It is also very good value at $6.99 / €4.99 for a 7g syringe. However, GC-2 is not the best performing thermal compound on the market but it is very impressive and will not disappoint, regardless of the system specifications."

June / 2009: Benchmarkreviews.com

"The GELID Solutions GC-2 thermal paste outperformed over sixty competitor products and received the rating of ‘Excellent’ for enthusiast cooling performance in the Benchmark Reviews 80-way Thermal Interface Material Performance Test."
Density (g/cm3): 2.8
Net Content (g): 7