



  •         ● Herausragende Wärmeleitfähigkeit
  •         ● Geringer thermischer Widerstand
  •         ● Nicht-elektrisch leitend
  •         ● Nicht korrosierfähig
  •         ● Nicht aushärtend
  •         ● Inklusive GELID Spachtel
  •         ● 7g Netto Inhalt

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GC-2 Wärmeleitpaste (TC-GC-02-A)


Die erstklassige Premium GC-2-Wärmeleitpaste ermöglicht dank des GELID-Applikators eine effektive Wärmeübertragung und eine einfache Anwendung auf CPU, VGA oder sogar Chipsatzkühler. Mit einem Nettogehalt von 7 g und einem sehr attraktiven Preis bietet der GC-2 ein spezifisches Gewicht von mehr als 2,8 g / cm³.


Empfohlen und ausgezeichnet durch

“I found the GC-2 compound very easy to use and spread on both the IHS and the base of a few cooler types I tried it on. With the four thermal pastes I tried including the previous GELID Solutions compound, I found the GELID Solutions GC-2 thermal compound to be the best performer. GC-2, in our lab-like environment of testing, performed just shy of 2° Celsius better than the previous one, and more than a degree better than both of the others tested. Great job on the new thermal compound, it makes it to the top three as far as what thermal compound I would purchase.” Tweaktown.com

“GELID Solutions previously impressed us with their previous paste and we are left with a similar impression of GC-2. Their new thermal compound exceeds the performance of Arctic Cooling’s MX-2 under load and idle conditions which makes it our first choice in any system build.”  Driverheaven.net

UVP: USD 6.99 / Euro 4.99

<td style="width: 30%; background-color: #f7f7f7;">Dichte (g / cm3):</td>
<td style="width: 70%; background-color: #f7f7f7;">2.8</td>
<td style="width: 30%; background-color: #ffffff;">Nettoinhalt (g):</td>
<td style="width: 70%; background-color: #ffffff;">7</td>