
SKU: FN-FW14B-12
  • 纳流轴承 (NFB)
  • 优化的小翼风扇叶片
  • 防水防尘
  • 使用寿命长(40°C 时 100’000 小时 MTTF)
  • 橡胶风扇支架
  • Fan Speed Reduction Cable

WING 14 UV Blue (FN-FW14B-12)
140mm Gamer Fan


The WING 14 UV Blue case fan is a premium quality, UV reactive, dust and water proof cooling fan for gaming enthusiasts.This fan features an unique bearing with patented design, winglet fans blades and low starting voltage. 只使用最优质的材料来制造这种最先进的冷却风扇。 To add to the silence fan mounts replace traditional screws and are made of high quality rubber which stop vibrations from the fan motor from travelling into your PC case.


纳流轴承 (NFB)
获得专利的 Nanoflux 轴承采用巧妙的磁性设计,非常高精度的制造,无摩擦运行,运行无噪音。 利用电磁场来防止固体部件接触。 负载由磁场承载。


a) 纳米磁通轴承 (NFB) 的主要特性
纳米技术复合材料可确保最低的磨损和极高的耐用性(MTTF 100’000 小时)。 与其他磁力轴承相比,该技术允许分离叶轮,因此可以轻松清洁风扇叶片。






b) 纳米通量轴承 (NFB) 与套筒轴承和滚珠轴承的比较
尽管传统套筒轴承和滚珠轴承目前在风扇市场占据主导地位,但两者都有其缺点。 虽然套筒轴承的噪音排放非常低并且非常经济高效,但它们往往会漏油;一旦油耗尽,风扇将无法再运转。 另一方面,滚珠轴承虽然使用寿命更长,但成本更高、噪音更大且容易损坏。


GELID 的 Nanoflux 轴承使用磁通量来限制轴承和轴之间的接触和摩擦。 高精度自润滑材料,杜绝漏油现象。 结果是超静音长寿命轴承。


Fan Speed Reduction Cable
The RPM fan speed can be decreased to super silent 900 RPM while connecting the fan speed reduction cable.


风扇电机产生的振动会进入 PC 机箱,并在风扇安装紧密时放大。 如果您想构建一台非常安静或几乎无声的 PC,这种“振动”噪音会很烦人。


这些橡胶支架专为应对风扇引起的振动而设计,是标准风扇螺钉的理想替代品,使振动与您的 PC 机箱 100% 分离。



– 优质材料即使在高温下也能确保长寿命

– Rubber fan mounts will not break or tear during installation

– Fan size fits to most PC Case chassis with 140mm fan mounting

– 快速简单的免工具安装


EAN: 4897025780385

December / 2012: eteknix

"Now to consider all the aspects of this fan. Firstly, we can see noise output was exemplary and this fan is ideal for a case fan as it produces good amounts of airflow with little audible noise – perfect for constant operation. Next, the quality of construction is excellent and the removable impeller is a brilliant design innovation that makes cleaning a dusty fan so much easier. The speed like we mention is fixed at either 1200 RPM if you plug it straight into a 3 or 4 pin socket and if you use the provided adapter then you will be able to operate the fan at 900 RPM. Due to the fact this fan lacks PWM controls and is designed for airflow not static pressure, I would say this makes an ideal case fan and shouldn’t be used with heatsinks or radiators. The aesthetics of this fan are pretty clean and simple, transparent blue blades and a glossy black frame. If you have LED lighting in your case or cathode tubing then the transparent nature of the impeller creates brilliant lighting effects – something to consider for modders. The Price is very good as already mentioned, for £11.39 it is a steal. Gelid’s attention to detail is impeccable, a 12v to 7v fan speed reducer cable, anti-vibration rubber fan mounts, fan screws and a Gelid sticker plus braided cables and a 5 year warranty – all for £11.39 – well it is just brilliant. It may be “just a fan” but if you are looking for an almost-flawless case fan then you need look no further than the Gelid Wing 14 series. That said you might also want to consider a Wing 12, 9 or 8 if you need a smaller case fan. Top marks to Gelid for this one. I feel like I could give the Gelid Solutions Wing 14 UV Blue 140mm fan three awards. The Innovation award for its funky removable impeller, the “Bang-For-Buck” award for its great value for money and the Editor’s Choice award for its great best-in-class performance. Since we can only give one, I’d like to award it our highest award – the Editor’s Choice award."

October / 2010:

"Der Gelid Wing 14 UV Blue ist ein sehr schöner Lüfter der auf 12 Volt und mit dem Adapter leider zu laut ist. Er startet jedoch mit nur 5 Volt Spannung und ist dann sehr ruhig. Der Adapter wird im Betrieb leider sehr heiß. Die restliche Verarbeitung kann sich jedoch sehen lassen. Wir vergeben dem Gelid Wing 14 UV Blue unseren Silber Award."

October / 2010:

"The GELID Solutions Wing 14 makes a great buy if you’re looking for a high performing 140mm fan (120mm compatible) that won’t drive you crazy with annoying noise levels. The Wing 14 maintained a very nice noise level and wasn’t hard on the ears even when running at full speed. Airflow levels on this fan are also high, making it a wonderful option to use for CPU cooler fan upgrades or water cooling radiators. This may seem high priced for a case fan for some, but worth every penny."

October / 2010:

"For around $25CDN the GELID Wing 14 makes a great buy if you're looking for a high performing 140mm fan (120mm compatible) that won't drive you up a wall with annoying noise levels. The Wing 14 maintained a very pleasing noise level and wasn't hard on the ears even when running at full speed. Airflow levels on this fan are also high, making it a wonderful option to use for CPU cooler fan upgrades or water cooling radiators. Of course the cool looking UV reactive blue blades are also sure to make people point!"

September / 2010:

"相 對 於 速 較 高 的 12 cm 的 風 扇@1500rpm 而 言, WING 14 多 出 的 尺寸 及 風 壓 不 但 能 抵 銷  300rpm 的 轉速 差 距,以 減 低 造 成 不 必 聲 噪 之外,而 且 還 能 明 顯 為 周 邊 設 備 降 溫。 相 信 14cm 的 市 場 會 隨 著 越 來 越 多 散 熱 器 的 流 行,以 及 用 家 對 「高 風 量 低 噪 音 」 的 要 求 而 變 得 熱鬧 起 來。

Please download manual here.

* 包含: 4 颗安装螺丝, 4 颗硅胶钉,一条降速线 (for 900 RPM, 20.5 dBA & 63.2 CFM / 107.37 CMH)
风量 (CFM/CMH): 80/135.92
轴承: 纳米轴承 (NFB)
外线长 (mm): 500
端子: 3 针 Molex
电流 (A): 0.35
风扇尺寸(mm): 140 x 140 x 25
风扇转速 (RPM): 1200
噪音水平 (dBA): 26
安全规格: CE, 符合RoHS 标准
静压 (mmAq): 1.45
电压 (V): 12
保修 (年): 5