Black Edition


SKU: CC-BEdition-01


  • ● 7 Power Heatpipes
  • ● Unique Heatpipes Arrangement
  • ● Multi Award-Winning Slim 12 PWM & Silent 12 PWM Fan
  • ● Up to total 3 Fans attachable
  • ● GC-Extreme Thermal Compound
  • ● 5 Years Warranty


The Black Edition (CC-BEdition-01-A)



Intel Socket 775, 1155, 1156, 1366, 2011 & 1150:
CPU: 所有奔騰 D/ 奔騰 4/ 所有賽揚 D/ 所有奔騰雙核/ 至尊/ 全酷睿 2 至尊/酷睿 2 四核/ 酷睿 2 雙核, 酷睿 i5, 酷睿 i7

Socket AM2/ AM2+/ AM3/ AM3+/ FM1/ FM2:
CPU: 所有速龍 64 x2, 速龍 64, 全速龍 II, 全閃龍, 飛鴻, 飛鴻 II, 全 A 系列 AMD APU 拉諾





Traditional heat pipe arrangement of high-end heatsink heatpipes are usually soldered on one row. Therefore the heat absorption capacity of the outer heatpipe will be negatively affected when there are more than 5 heatpipes.

To solve this problem a special array of heatpipes was used on “The Black Edition” to take full advantage of all 7 6mm heatpipe heat transfer capacity. On “The Black Edition” two heatpipes were soldered on top of three middle heatpipes.


Traditional heatpipe arrangement


Unique heatpipe arrangement on “The Black Edition” to take full advantage of all 7 heatpipe.



Slim 12 PWM & Silent 12 PWM:

The Slim 12 PWM (120 x120 x 15.8mm) features a unique Hydro Dynamic Bearing. 該軸承可確保靜音運行並確保較長的使用壽命。 The optimized fan blades generate high air flow.


Designed for advanced users GELID Solutions Silent 12 PWM fan provides additional airflow by using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to automatically adjust fan speed according to the CPU load. 風扇可以閑置,因此更加安靜。 風扇的PCB中集成了一個智慧IC,以利用主機板的BIOS軟體。 該技術比使用外部風扇控制器調節電壓更有效、更方便。


Up to total 3 fans can be mounted on the heatsink of the “The Black Edition”.




冷卻器符合 RoHS 和 WEEE 標準,並提供 5 年保修。 Installation manual for Intel andAMD™.


MSRP: USD 75 / Euro 59

Bearing: Hydro Dynamic Bearing
Cable Length (mm): 350
Current (A): Slim 12 PWM: 0.2 max. / Silent 12 PWM: 0.18 max.
DC Voltage (V): 12
Fan Dimensions (mm): Slim 12 PWM: 120(l) x 120(w) x 15.8(h) / Silent 12 PWM: 120(l) x 120(w) x 25(h)
Fan Life Time MTTF at 40C (h): 50’000
Fan Speed (+/- 10% ) (RPM): Slim 12 PWM: 750 – 1600 / Silent 12 PWM: 750 – 1500
Heat Sink Dimensions (mm): 109(l) x 126(w) x 160(h) (incl. Fans)
Noise Level (dBA): Slim 12 PWM: 25.4 max. / Silent 12 PWM: 25.5 max.
Static Pressure (mmAq): Slim 12 PWM: 1.35 / Silent 12 PWM: 1.6
Warranty (years): 5
Weight (g): 990 (Heatsink & Fans)

Please have a look at the installation manuals:

AMD & Intel Sockets

Intel LGA2011 Socket

April / 2014: Techpowerup"GELID Solutions has done so much right with the Black Edition cooler. Its performance on the overclocked test system is amazing, especially considering its low noise level. At just 45 dBA with 100% fan speed, it placed second in terms of noise. It rivals more expensive coolers like the Corsair H90 while being quieter, which makes it a great choice. The unique fan setup, which had me a bit worried at first, works shockingly well. The option to add a third fan to further improve performance is a nice feature, especially since the metal fan clips have been included in the box. The memory clearance on Intel's LGA2011 platform was also promising as the cooler did not block any of the memory slots on the motherboard, which makes this one of the few AIR coolers without memory clearance issues, at least on that particular platform. The build quality is also very solid. Overall, I am impressed by what the GELID Solutions Black Edition cooler offers. If users want a quiet cooler that performs well on overclocked systems, the GELID Solutions Black Edition is a fantastic option, especially for those seeking silent or near silent operation."
January / 2014: Actualidahardware"Hemos quedado muy satisfechos del buen rendimiento del disipador GELID THE BLACK EDITION. El nivel de ruido de los dos ventiladores que incorpora es muy bueno. La instalación es realmente sencilla y sus instrucciones en español así como la posibilidad de agregar un tercer ventilador son un plus. Hemos bajado las temperaturas de nuestro equipo de pruebas entorno a los  2-3 grados. La presentación y la apariencia del GELID THE BLACK EDITION son muy buenas, es un disipador de gran tamaño pero que cabe en la gran mayoría de las torres para pc. Nos encanta la apariencia que le da a nuestro pc interiormente, tiene un diseño muy compacto y bonito. Por todo lo dicho no podemos dejar de recomendar el disipador GELID THE BLACK EDITION."
January / 2014: Tech-critte"Pros

January / 2014: Benchx"The way that GELID Solutions designed this cooler was just fantastic. Here, we can see that if we work hard, we get better results, and that's why this new HeatPipe structure is fantastic. Gelid with the "The Black Edition" can secure his market with a fantastic high-end cooler."
October / 2013: Insidehardware"Con il suo The Black Edition, Gelid è riuscita a reinventare il concetto di dissipatore bi-torre, con il preciso obiettivo di contenerne gli ingombri e sfruttarne al contempo alcune possibilità di implementazione. Tra esse, abbiamo apprezzato innanzitutto il particolarissimo sistema di alimentazione basato su ben sette heatpipe in rame nickelato, le quali, oltre ad essere di diverso diametro, sono state appositamente distribuite secondo un già consolidato progetto di Gelid. Da esso deriva che la massa radiante venga alimentata con carichi che portano ad una resa proporzionalmente più soddisfacente in presenza di CPU dal TDP elevato, come ad esempio le Intel di fascia Extreme. Per massimizzare la compatibilità del dissipatore, il produttore non si è limitato a distribuire la massa radiante secondo uno specifico design che evitasse il rischio di intralciare moduli di memoria ad alto profilo, ma ha anche pensato a fornire il dissipatore di una ventola slim, lasciando così la possibilità di creare una configurazione bi-ventola, o addirittura tri-ventola (la terza ventola non è però in dotazione) anche su quei sistemi fino ad oggi in tal senso problematici: le piattaforme quad channel. La qualità costruttiva e i materiali impiegati sono risultati in tutti gli aspetti adeguati al prezzo di vendita ufficiale, pari a 59€, cifra da ritenersi adeguata in funzione anche di un corredo ampio e ben curato, di prestazioni e silenziosità di buon livello, nonchè di un design certamente esclusivo e gradevole."
May / 2013:"The Gelid Black Edition CPU cooler is no exception. It stands there among the best of them and was able to keep pace and outperform many of the CPU coolers I’ve had the privilege to test over the years.  For starters, the Black Edition has a very cool and unique u-shaped tower design and support for up to three 120mm fans which is almost unheard of in the CPU cooler market. This is fantastic and I am sure that with the inclusion of another fan, the Gelid Black Edition could have performed even better. albeit at a much nosier level. Installing the Black Edition was as easy as they come and completely worth it for the performance. Idling at a comfy 34 degrees Celsius is pretty good for an air cooler, and not even breaking 60 degrees Celsius while under stress proves the Gelid Black Edition has got the goods. It also rings in at a great price point. For between $75 USD and $78 USD the Gelid Black Edition CPU cooler can be yours. For this price, it runs right up there with the other three fan CPU coolers on the market and puts it snuggly at the high end of CPU coolers."
April / 2013: M4gic"Gelid Solutions bietet ein sehr gutes Verhältnis zwischen Kühlleistung und Lautstärke. Die mitgelieferten Lüfter können runtergeregelt werden, sodass man absolut nichts mehr hört. Wer mehr Leistung braucht, kann die Lüfter gerne hochdrehen. Passend dazu kann sogar ein dritter Lüfter installiert werden. Optimal finden wir, dass High-Profile Ram installiert werden kann und der Zubehör nicht wenig ausfällt. Mit dem Y-Verteiler können beide Lüfter vom Kühler an nur einen CPU-Lüfteranschluss am Motherboard angeschlossen werden. Wer sich nicht scheut, einen neuen Kühler zu kaufen, dem können wir The Black Edition empfehlen."
April / 2013: Hardwaresecrets"The GELID Solutions "The Black Edition" is a very good cooler. It is simple to install, looks good and performed very well. Wits its ambitious design with two heatsinks, four 6mm heatpipes and three 8mm heatpipes (seven heatpipes on teh total), we believed at first that it could have outdone th etop air coolers on the market but it didn't happen. The cooler performance, however, has not much below the best results we measured for air coolers, which means the portrayed cooler has a decent performance. Because of this, the GELID Solutions "The Black Edition" receives our Silver Award." 
February / 2013: Xtremhardware"Questo modello presenta prestazioni interessanti, dimensioni relativamente contenute e compatibili con un elevato numero di cabinet in circolazione, sotto lo standard dei 160mm in altezza. Oltre a questo, la compatibilità con le RAM è massima, il che è un deciso punto a favore del modello. Viene fornito con due ottime ventole molto silenziose e configurabili e può esserne aggiunta una terza grazie anche alle staffe addizionali fornite in dotazione.   Non c’è stato il minimo problema per l’assemblaggio del dissipatore e, anzi, è stato decisamente veloce. Il prezzo di circa 60 euro IVA compresa ci sembra molto concorrenziale, se consideriamo il design doppia torre con ben 7 heatpipes e le due ventole in bundle."
February / 2013: Freeocen"Wie man aus den Ergebnissen entnehmen kann, ist unsere CPU nicht unbedingt die kühlste, was den GELID The Black Edition nicht wirklich stört. Hier schlägt sich dieser bei allen Tests locker durch und hinterlässt einen sehr guten Eindruck. Auch im Silent-Betrieb bei einer Lüfterdrehzahl von 800 U/min hat dieser keine Schwächen. Große Übertaktungsversuche sollte man jedoch auf Dauer nicht machen. Erst bei 1000 U/min kann man ohne große Sorgen den Takt anheben. Die Verarbeitung des Kühlers ist makellos, das Zubehör sowie die Anwendbarkeit des Kühlers sind spitze. Jeder gängige Sockel wird unterstütz, was die Käufer erfreuen dürfte. Die Montage der Backplate ist etwas fummelig jedoch nicht wirklich als Problem zu bezeichnen. Das einzige Manko, man sollte für den Kühlertausch auf alle Fälle das Mainboard ausbauen. Nur so kann man sichergehen, dass alle Schrauben richtig sitzen und die Platzierung des Kühlers gut überlegt werden kann."
February / 2013: Infobit"Poza głównymi kryteriami wyboru chłodzenia opisanymi wyżej, dla wielu osób ważna jest także łatwość montażu oraz przyjemny dla oka design. Pod obydwoma względami produkt Gelid Solutions nie zawiedzie. Procedura montażu jest intuicyjna i w miarę prosta, a wygląd gustowny. Osobiście bardzo przypadł mi do gustu top coolera zakończony czarną aluminiową płytką z logotypem producenta oraz czarnymi „dekielkami” na heatpipe’ach. Warto zaznaczyć, że chłodzenie wyposażono w świetną pastę termoprzewodzącą, dzięki której na pewno zbijemy kilka °C. Uważam, że Gelid Solutions The Black Edition to produkt godny uwagi, jednak przy tej wydajności można oczekiwać nieco niższej ceny."
February / 2013: Dvtest"The Black Edition is somehow a bit smaller than the very well-known two tower coolers that have been released for the past 2-3 years on the market by many manufacturers and brands . The model offers very innovative features such as the 2 row type heatpipes with different diameter for optimal performance and I really like the idea of bending the right tower to the left to avoid DIMM blockade and accordingly the option to use all 4 DIMMs. I can say to Gelid – really good job with this model offering very good performance for its size. I can recommend it to be used for all kind of purposes and I am 100% sure it will handle them. Now imagine its performance with 3 fans installed. Yes… scary! The model was a bit noisy since the fans were rotating at max speed of ~1600 revolutions per minute and still much more silent than many other products which require fans to rotate at 2000 revolutions per minute for the same performance. Still when the fans are PWM-controlled the cooler is really quiet. I can say that The Black Edition is a really stylish and good looking product offering black/grey colour scheme which will stay neutral in every modern build or even modding project."
February / 2013: Elchapuzasinformatico"El disipador Gelid The Black Edition ofrece una excelente disipación que lo sitúa en la gama alta de disipadores por aire. Aunque su diseño no es demasiado llamativo, sus altas prestaciones lo compensan siempre que no tengamos en cuenta sus ventiladores algo ruidosos. El Gelid The Black Edition sale a la venta por un precio oficial de 59 euros, por lo que se convierte en una excelente opción frente a los 70 euros de un Noctua NH-D14 siempre que, como ya hemos dicho, no busquemos un sistema muy silencioso."
February / 2013: Hdtechnology"ha presentato un dissipatore dalle ottime performance. In termini di raffreddamento, possiamo dire che può giocarsela tranquillamente con cooler di alto calibro come Scythe e Cooler Master. Non sono solo le performance ad essere di buon livello, ma anche la qualità costruttiva del prodotto. Installazione è stata un po macchinosa, dato il layout a doppia torre, ad ogni modo consigliamo di fare uso del manuale d’uso. Durante i test, le ventole a 12V raggiungono i 1500-1600rpm e cominciano ad essere un pò rumorose, ma per gli amanti dell’overclock questo non può essere un problema. Settandole a 7V sono silenziosissime, sembra di lavorare con un dissipatore fanless. Per concludere, se state cercando un dissipatore dall’ottima dissipazione,silenziosità senza spendere cifre immense, non possiamo fare altro che consigliarvi questo dissipatore che è possibile acquistare sul mercato ad un prezzo di  circa 55€ iva inclusa."
February / 2013: Bytheway"H "The Black Edition" ψύκτρα έρχεται με πέντε χρόνια εγγύηση και είναι διαθέσιμη στην τιμή των €59. Τέλος πιστεύω ότι η τιμή είναι Super γιατί μέσα σε αυτή περιλαμβάνονται δύο άκρως-ποιοτικοί ανεμιστήρες, η ποιότητα κατασκευής της ίδιας της ψύκτρας βρίσκεται σε υψηλά επίπεδα και η μακροχρόνια εγγύηση υποδηλώνει αυξημένη αξιοπιστία και αντοχή στο χρόνο."
January / 2013: hkepc"利用 INTEL Core i7-3770K 超頻至 4.6GHz ,鎖定核心電壓 1.20V ,The Black Edition 及裝上 2 把 120mm 散熱風扇,經果處理器核心約 66°C 。GELID The Black Edition 為高階用家而設計,用作超頻用途能夠提供高效散熱率、追求靜音的用家可加裝多把低轉速風扇,令不同層面用家均適合使用。"
January / 2013: Gamezoom"Der neue Gelid Kühler macht vor allem puncto Kühlleistung eine sehr gute Figur. Bei höchster Umdrehungszahl kann „The Black Edition“ problemlos übertaktete Sechskern-Prozessoren bändigen. Darüber hinaus wissen der umfangreiche Lieferumfang, das sichere Montagesystem und die saubere Verarbeitungsqualität zu gefallen. Mal abgesehen von den üppigen Maßen und den etwas zu lauten Lüftern (max. Umdrehungszahl!) gibt es am Gelid Kühler nichts zu bemängeln. Demnach können wir auch eine Kaufempfehlung für unser Testmuster aussprechen."
January / 2013: Mega-labs"As you can see from the test results, the Black Edition is a definite improvement over the Gelid GX-7. This was logical of course, as two fans are used instead of one and the heatpipe design pattern proves it was a worthwhile patent to do. It managed to deliver high cooling performance, close enough to the powerful and more expensive Noctua NH-D14. With the addition of a third fan, we can safely assume that we will see some drops in degrees, but maybe some extra noise generated. As far as noise is concerned, the Black Edition managed to stay quiet and this is due to the PWM controlled fans. Especially the inner Silent 12 fan is designed for minimum noise generation. Overall, we have to do with an awesome cooler that combines everything. Priced at 59.00€ across Europe, it is surely among the best coolers we have tested and it will easily cope with your overclocked processor while keeping noise down. The fact that it can actually hold a third fan is a big plus concerning future upgrades or further overclocking. In a nutshell, it is a highly recommended cooler in reasonable pricing!"
January / 2013: Hardzone"The Black Edition es un muy buen disipador, acorde a su precio de mercado (su MRSP es de 59 euros, aunque seguro que lo encontraremos más barato cuando llegue a España). Tiene un rendimiento térmico muy bueno teniendo en cuenta el tamaño que tiene, y además es muy silencioso. De hecho, creo que es el disipador tipo torre que mejor relación rendimiento / ruido tiene de todos los que han pasado por mis manos, y con diferencia. Además, me gusta bastante la estética que Gelid le ha dado a este disipador, aunque a decir verdad me habría gustado que las aletas de aluminio también estuvieran pintadas en color negro. Por si esto fuera poco, es un disipador cuyo montaje es un juego de niños, ayudado en gran medida por unas instrucciones de montaje claras y concisas. Pienso que incluso los usuarios más inexpertos podrían montarlo sin ningún tipo de problema."
January / 2013: Eteknix"On the positive side I feel Gelid Solutions have offered an excellent product in the air heatsink market. The Black Edition offers a very competent level of performance for its size and cost and has a staggering amount of flexibility between total silence and maximum performance. The mounting mechanism is simple and effective (excluding the central fan) and all the parts used seem to be of high quality and look well finished. The inclusion of GC-Extreme thermal paste is the deal sweetener, because what we don’t point out is that thermal paste can make up to 10 degrees difference in terms of overclocked load performance. The thermal paste most companies provide is rubbish at best, whereas GC-Extreme is superb. Thus I believe this inclusion alone is saving consumers around £5-10 (how much it would cost to buy GC-Extreme separately) because many of you take for granted the fact we use Gelid GC-Extreme in all of our testing, yet all companies do not provide thermal paste this good (or even close). The included fans are also very good. The central fan is particularly powerful but the side fan is slightly weaker due to its thin design. However, the thinner design means better RAM compatibility and reduced acoustics. Consequently, I think the balance Gelid have achieved between noise, performance and functionality is actually spot on. Finally, as always, the aesthetics are left down to your own personal preferences but I think Gelid have done a good job in providing both a clean, and gamer style CPU cooler. "
January / 2013: Rendszerigeny"Az eredményekből látszik, hogy a “The Black Edition” minimálisan lemaradt a Noctua nagyágyúitól és az Antec folyadékhűtéses megoldásától. A Noctua hűtőkkel szemben nagy előnye, hogy a memória modulokkal összeférhetőbb megoldás, és az ára is kedvezőbb. A folyadékhűtés pedig jópár ezressel többe kerül. Összességében tehát az a véleményünk, hogy a Gelid Solutions magasra tette a mércét éj hűtőjével, hiszen jó hűtési teljesítményt, magas kompatibilitást és kínál “mindössze” 60 eurós áron. Magjelenése hazánkban rövidesen megtörténik."
January / 2013: Razorman"Después de realizar los tests de rendimiento a este disipador Gelid The Black Edition, podemos afirmar que es el disipador con mayor rendimiento que hemos analizado de momento en la web. Ha obtenido unos resultados magníficos, superando a todo un Noctua NH-C14, por escaso margen pero en las pruebas hemos visto un mayor rendimiento. Nos ha encantado el bajísimo ( inaudible prácticamente ) nivel sonoro producido por los ventiladores cuando estan girando a mínimas revoluciones, no enturbiando este panorama mucho cuando éstos giran al máximo de sus revoluciones. Un 10 para Gelid con la incorporacion de estos ventiladores Slim y Silent 12, pues como decimos ofrecen un rendimiento máximo con un mínimo nivel sonoro. Además aún podríamos quizás mejorar estos resultados con la incorporación de un tercer ventilador. La presentación tanto exterior como la apariencia del disipador son inmejorables: nos ha gustado el tamaño compacto del disipador, sus 160 mm de altura hacen posible su instalación en un gran número de cajas para PC sin problemas."
January  / 2013: Ocaholic"With the The Black Edition, Gelid Solutions shows an overall good cooler. In terms of cooling capacity the The Black Edition has been able to reach the center span of our comparison tables. In this regard we have to say that the competition is very hard concerning our test field. There are almost no entry level coolers in our comparison table and therefore the The Black Edition has to compete with the absolute best in class. It's not only the performance that is on a good level with this cooler, we also like the build quality. Looking at the design of the cooler it looks quite unusual because of the asymmetrically thick fans.