
SKU: FN-TX09-20
  •  Temperaturregelung & externer Sensor
  •  Leiser Betrieb mit Gummi-Lüfterhalterungen
  •  Optimierte Lüfterflügel
  •  Hoher Luftstrom & amp; Hoher statischer Druck
  •  Lange Lebensdauer (50.000 h MTTF bei 40 °C)

Silent 9 TC (FN-TX09-20)
92-mm-Gehäuselüfter mit hervorragender Temperaturregelung


Die GELID Silent TC-Lüfter wurden für anspruchsvolle Silent-Enthusiasten entwickelt und bieten zusätzlichen Luftstrom, indem sie die Lüftergeschwindigkeit entsprechend Ihren tatsächlichen Temperaturanforderungen ändern, sodass Sie nicht mehr Lärm als unbedingt erforderlich und bei Bedarf maximale Kühlung erhalten. Ein intelligenter IC, der in die Leiterplatte des Lüfters eingebettet ist, ermöglicht intelligente variable Lüftergeschwindigkeiten. Jedes Lüfterrad wurde mit modernster Technologie einzeln ausgewuchtet, um einen stabilen Betrieb zu gewährleisten. Um die Geräuschlosigkeit zu erhöhen, ersetzen die Lüfterhalterungen herkömmliche Schrauben und bestehen aus hochwertigem, temperaturbeständigem, besonders langlebigem Gummi und verhindern, dass Vibrationen des Lüftermotors in Ihr PC-Gehäuse gelangen.


Die Superior GELID TC Kurve

Im Vergleich zu anderen Herstellern haben GELID TC-Lüfter einen weitaus größeren regelbaren Drehzahlbereich


Externer Sensor

Dieser externe Sensor kann an der gewünschten Stelle positioniert werden. d.h. vor oder hinter dem Gehäuse


EAN: 4897025780095


November / 2009:

"Silent 12TC ise bambaşka bir kulvarda. Sessizlik isteyenler için ideal. Çünkü termal kontrolcü sayesinde sadece gerekli olunca hızını arttırıyor. Uzun kablo sayesinde alıcı istenen yere yerleştirilebilir. En yüksek hızdayken bile gürültülü değil. Kutu içeriği çok zengin değil ama 7.2 Euro olan fiyatı çok uygun. Termal kontrolcü işinizi kolaylaştırıyor, 5 yıl garanti güven veriyor. Her iki fanın da Firebal üzerinden satışa sunulması bekleniyor."

July / 2009:

"The Silent 8 TC performed well enough although the diode can be somewhat less inconvenient and would work better with double-sided tape. This fan does not seem to be fit for general use although it would work likely work well in certain special applications and when paired up well with smaller heat sinks. The Silent series did pretty good too, both operate very quietly and the five-year warranty is an added bonus that makes GELID Solutions fans a good choice."

May / 2009:

"E rövid cikk végére érve azt kell mondanom, hogy a GELID termékek pozitív értelemben okoztak meglepetést. Komoly, valóban igényes darabokkal találkoztam. A felturbózott siklócsapágy és a hagyományostól kissé eltérő folyadékos megoldás mind a két ventilátor típusnak jót tett. A termékeket így az első próba alapján mindenképpen az ajánlott kategóriába sorolom. Persze a puding próbája az evés, a ventilátoroké pedig a tartós használat, így arról ennyi idő után nem tudok nyilatkozni, hogy a csapágyazás mennyire fogja az idő próbáját kiállni. Az azonban mindenképpen biztató, hogy a drágább ventilátorokon és a processzorhűtőn öt év garanciát jelölt a gyártó."

May / 2009:

"GELID Solutions Silent TC fans are probably the best thermally controlled fans in the market and they have a really nice price that makes them very competitive. The appearance has nothing special, but the white/grey blades with the black fan casing make a very nice visual combination! Noise is at low levels, not the most silent at high speeds, but this is what we want. A fan that can adjust the speed accordingly to the temperature of the sensor. This is not always good, because we have to strategically position the sensors at the first time, but after this we can enjoy a silent operation when needed, and high airflow when things get hot."

March / 2009:

"Come si puo' notare GELID Solutions propone una famiglia di ventole dalle caratteristiche molto simili, per la entry level si e' cercato di mediare ad una rumorosita' contenuta un buon flusso d'aria, diversa la soluzione adottate per la serie Silent TC e la Silent PWM, in quanto per la prima e' gestita da una sonda posta all' interno della ventola stessa, mentre per la seconda si gestisce con le funzioni PWM tramite le opzioni delle nuove schede madri, anche se in definitiva, come struttura e componenti alla fine e' la stessa ventola. GELID Solutions con la serie Silent propone al mercato una buona ventola, anche se il bianco delle pale puo' far torcere il naso a molti, il prodotto si presenta con tutte le carte in regola per affermarsi, l'adozione degli inserti in gomma sono un plus che a differenza di altri produttori avvicinano la casa di Hong Kong alle esigenze del consumatore stanco di ascoltare i rumori prodotti dal proprio computer, pur di garantire delle temperature contenute. Le buone impressioni date dalla Silent TC fanno si che si aggiudichi il Gold come valore complessivo."

March / 2009:
"The GELID Solutions fans performed as expected. What seperate these fans from other fans on the market is the 5 year warranty, a good airflow to fan rpm ratio. The winglet design of the Gamer fan, as this helped in the reduction of fan noise, while slightly increasing the amount of airflow this fan produced. Having a movable temperature probe with the Silent TC fan is another good feature, by allow us the user to place the temperature probe in the area around the fan itself and out of the direct airflow of the fan allowing it to increase RPM's as the computer gets warmer. Looking across the web the Gamer fan goes for around 13 - 17 USD, while the Silent TC fan ranging from 6-10 USD. With these prices puts these fans in a great bargin for those needing a quiet reliable fan in there computer systems."

February / 2009:

"Łożyska w obu modelach pracują bardzo dobrze, choć słychać drobną różnicę na niekorzyść modelu Silent. Łożyska Nanoflux pracują niemal wzorowo, nie ma mowy o jakimkolwiek terkocie. Gelid Wing na 12V jest dość głośny, dużo głośniejszy od swojego brata (przy stosunku obrotów 1552 do 1439 RPM). Funkcja kontrolowania temperatury w modelu Silent to duża zaleta, przy temperaturze 22 stopnie Celsjusza wentylator pracował niemal bezgłośnie. Minusem tego modelu mogłoby być wysokie napięcie startowe (powyżej 7V). Z tego powodu GELID Wing zdecydowanie wygrywa, ponieważ po obniżeniu napięcia na 5V hałas jest minimalny (niesłyszalny z ok. 1.5 metra) a wydajność nadal spora. Noctua, do której można było porównać wyższy model Gelida uzyskała ten sam wynik, lecz poziom hałasu był zdecydowanie mniejszy. Acutake wydajnościowo najgorszy, lecz okazuje się najcichszy z całej stawki. Ostatecznie produkty firmy GELID wypadły jak najbardziej pozytywnie. Stąd ważnym kryterium przy wyborze może okazać się cena, której jeszcze nie znamy."

February / 2009:

"GELID Solutions heeft met deze ventilatoren een waardige tegenstander op de markt gezet voor bijna elk mogelijk segment. Van stiltefreaks tot casemodders, met GELID Solutions heb je een ruime keuze. Een erg handige toevoeging van de Silent 12 is de temperatuursensor, die tegen de verwachting in ook nog goed bleek te werken. Bij de fancontroller is het mooi om te zien dat GELID Solutions nog een uitbreidingsaansluiting heeft geplaatst."

Februar / 2009:

"Der Gesamteindruck, den der Test der Lüfter von GELID Solutions auf uns hinterließ, war ein durchweg positiver. Die simple und vibrationsdämpfende Montage via beigelegter Gummibolzen sowie die in Netzschlauch verpackten Anschlusskabel der Lüfter vermochten überaus zu gefallen. Ebenso zeugen die präzise, nahezu geräuschfrei und vibrationsarm ihren Dienst verrichtende Lagerung von einem hohen Qualitätsanspruch. Die dabei angedachte Preisgestaltung von 7,00/7,20/11,00€ (Silent 12 PWM/TC/WING 12; UVP lt. Hersteller; Stand August 2008) ist durchaus annehmbar für die erbrachte Produktqualität."

January / 2009:

"Unsurprisingly, the GELID Silent 8 TC was far superior to the OEM fan in both noise levels and cooling capabilities.  We tested the temperature probe by heating up the temperature probe to achieve minimum and maximum fan speeds.  Neither the minimum or the maximum fan speeds gave rise to noise levels greater than that caused by the hard drive itself.  The fan compares very favourable to other thermally controlled fans we have used in the past, in both cooling capabilities and noise levels, and with the GELID 5 year guarantee you really can't go wrong."

January / 2009:

"The Silent 12 TC is an excellent fan when used in its intended environment—as a fan present for supplemental and low-RPM cooling. It is extremely quiet in those situations and more than adequate for airflow. If it gets into the high RPM stages, it’s no worse than most other fans in terms of noise, but airflow may not be entirely adequate if the temperatures are on the high end."

December 2008:

"Having PWM and TC variations available in addition to a regular fan means GELID is catering to all audiences and providing dynamic options which each have their own advantages in different situations. We don’t see many PWM case fans but they can be very effective if placed in the right location. At €7.20 for the TC and €7 for the PWM flavour (roughly £6), the two fans are not the cheapest on the market but are high quality products and are certainly items we would recommend filling your empty fan brackets with."

December / 2008:

"GELID Solutions Silent Case Fan is one of the kind for both gamers and silent users. With 3 sizes to choose from and the low noise it produced, it is a "Must Buy" for your next fan upgrade."

November / 2008:

"Ein Lob für den jungen Hersteller GELID Solutions, diese Kühler sollte jeder Assemblierer oder Computerhändler vorrätig haben. Ein toller Preis, wenig Krach und ein lange Garantie, da kann Niemand etwas falsch machen."

October / 2008:

"GELID Solutions Silent/ TC and PWM Series are definitely a nice line of fans. Quiet and in the same time effective. There are options for thermal control and Pulse Width Modulation control. You also get to choose between 80mm, 92mm and 120mm size of the fans, with abilities proportional to their size (with no loss of quality). The only thing I didn't like was their colour. My personal opinion white blades do not look nice in motion. Still in any other aspect GELID fans are product that wouldn't disappoint any of you that had obtained for your love for peace and quiet."

October / 2008:

"Le ventole GELID Silent 12TC sono in grado di offrire performance più che soddisfacenti per il range di RPM che offrono, risultando solo di poco inferiori a soluzioni gamer come le Nanoxia prese in considerazione durante il test. La pasta termica GELID GC-1 ha superato le aspettative: offre migliori performance rispetto all'Arctic Silver 5, e tali risultati positivi sono visibili immediatamente dopo l'applicazione (non è necessario attendere ore per raggiungere il massimo rendimento, come invece avviene nel caso dell'Arctic Silver 5."

October / 2008:

"The fans performed wonderful. The temperature probes worked as advertised and they weren't stuck like we saw at a Zerotherm CPU cooler. They were also silent,for people that want to put silence in front of the looks. I also recommend them because of their low price and high quality. Also,all the cables are sleeved and you won't make a mess in your case when installing them."

October / 2008:

"For a new player on the market GELID delivers a solid product. GELID promises low noise and surely delivers. The Silent 8 has about the same sound characteristic as the Nexus, but is quieter. The ticking produced by the Silent 12TC/PWM is no problem when the fan is installed with the included rubber fan mounts and inaudible in a closed case. The PWM function works very well with on the used motherboards (not too slow). The TC Fan is very well suited as outtake fan. The price of the fans is the best part. Compared to the competitors the fans are outright cheap."

October / 2008:

"GELID Solutions ha presentato una ventola che offre una gran silenziosità con un' ottimo flusso d' aria, il controller termico garantisce un flusso d' aria costante che si adatta alle esigenze del nostro pc e per un costo irrisorio 7.20 euro."

September / 2008:

"I was extremely pleased with the GELID Silent 12 TC and PWM. They seem to be designed very well and perform exceptionally. The performance to noise ratio is also excellent, making these fans worthy of having "Silent" in their names. The installation is easy, thanks to the rubber mounting posts which I prefer over screws. Even the MSRP for these fans is attractive at $10.80 for the TC and $10.50 for the PWM. One thing that wasn't clear to me was the major difference between the TC and PWM. Other than the fact that one is thermally controlled and one is pulse-width modulation controlled, there was no reflection on the performance as far as I could tell. Perhaps it is just a user preference as to which fan is best. All in all, I would recommend these fans as a great alternative to generic fans as they are not that much more expensive but the performance and quality is much better." 

September / 2008:

"Der "GELID Solutions Silent 12" hat mich von vorne bis hinten überzeugt, gravierende und damit erwähnenswerte Mängel konnte auch nach ausgiebigen Tests nicht entdeckt werden. Verpackung, Lieferumfang und Verarbeitung sind für ein Produkt, das ca. 4,17 EUR kosten wird mehr als perfekt! Ich kann den Lüfter nur wärmstens empfehlen."


6/6 Sternen fuer




Preis und 



Bei dem Produkt gibs wirklich nichts zu meckern.

September / 2008:

"Ko gero pagrindinė šios ap�valgos išvada būtų ta, jog papildoma korpuso ventiliacija gali turėti labai didelę įtaką visų kompiuterio komponentų temperatūroje, todėl tikrai rekomenduoju pasirūpinti bent jau vienu papildomu šiltą orą iš korpuso ištraukiančiu ventiliatoriumi. Bet visgi nenukrypkime nuo pagrindinės ap�valgos temos. GELID Silent 12 ventiliatoriai, kaip rodo testų rezultatai, gali pakankamai efektyviai pasirūpinti korpuso ventiliacija ir kartu stipriai nepadidinti bendro triukšmo lygio. Aušintuvai pagaminti kokybiškai, jiems suteikiama 5 metų garantija, kartu pridedami ir guminiai tvirtinimo laikikliai. Didelis privalumas yra tas, jog pirkėjai gali rinktis iš trijų skirtingų ventiliatorių modelių. Kokius modelius rinktis iš tiesų priklauso nuo kiekvieno �mogaus poreikių. Man asmeniškai labiausiai patiko PWM modelis, kadangi jis, kada tik pageidaujate gali veikti maksimaliomis apsukomis. TC modelis turėtų patikti tiems, kurių pagrindinės plokštės turi ribotas galimybes valdyti aušintuvų apsukas, o korpuse da�nai būna aukšta temperatūra. Paprasčiausias (tiesa, ir pigiausias) Silent 12 modelis galės tiesiog ramiai dirbti įmontuotas korpuse. PWM modelis kainuoja 7 eurus, TC - 7.20, o įprastinis modelis - 4.17 euro."

August / 2008:

"GELID Solutions konnte mit ihren frischen Lüftermodellen überzeugen. Das Know-How und gute Ideen haben zu einer wirklich guten Lüfterkollektion geführt. Jeder wird hier fündig: ob es nur ein Lüfter für den heimischen Bürorechner, ein Lüfter für den Server oder den High-End-Computer sein soll. Die Lüfter sind neben den von uns getesteten 120mm Varianten auch in 80 & 92mm erhältlich. Jeder Lüfter wird mit Vibrationsdämpfern zur Befestigung ausgeliefert, und ist mit einer Kabelummantelung ausgestattet. Und das ganze bei Preisen die sich sehen lassen können: Für knappe 4,20 Euro erhält man den Silent 12, für 7,00 Euro den Silent 12PWM und für 7,20 Euro den Silent 12TC. Faire Preise, vorallem wenn man die 5 Jahre Garantie bedenkt, die GELID auf alle ihre Lüfter gewährt. Aufgrund der guten Leistung und des absolut fairen Preises, verleihen wir den Lüftern der GELID Silent-Serie den Best Price Award."

August / 2008:

"GELID Solutions has come out with some very nice looking and great performing fans that most anyone would be happy to have in their systems either cooling the CPU or the system itself.
All three fans are very well made, and include some nice accessories as well.
GELID Solutions is a new company, and they seem to be on the right track with releasing some very nice products in the beginning, I look forward to find out what they will be releasing next, if they can come up with fans like these then the products to come should be very nice."

August / 2008: Hardwarebistro

"Overall Gelid Solutions Wing and Silent series fans are great features and high quality cooling fan especially GELID Wing is really outstanding with its silent operation with great performance. There are available in 80, 92 and 120mm. For the pricing, Gelid Solutions Wing and Silent are not really expensive if you compare the price at Amazon, however it will be expensive for most of the end users expect those hardcore users. If you would like to get these fans as the CPU cooling fan for certain supported heatsink which be much reasonable rather than just purchase them for normal case fan usage unless money is not an issue for you."

Please download manual here.

*INCLUDED: 4 Rubber Fan Mounts
Air Flow (CFM/CMH): 37.89/64.44
Bearing: Hydro Dynamic Bearing
Cable Length (mm): 500
Connector: 3 Pin Molex
Current (A): 0.18
Dimension of Fan (mm): 92 x 92 x 25
Fan Speed (RPM): 900 (22°C) - 2000 (42°C)
Noise Level (dBA): 11 - 23.5
Safety Approvals: CE, RoHS Compliant
Sensor Cable Length (mm): 300
Static Pressure (mmH2O): 2.0
Voltage (V): 12
Warranty (years): 5
Weight (g): 76