
SKU: CC-TranQ-01-A
  •  4 Power Heatpipes
  •  Intelligent PWM Fan Control Curve
  •  Silent Operation
  •  High Airflow
  •  Optimized Fan Blade

Tranquillo (CC-TranQ-01-A)



Intel Socket 775, 1366, 1155 and 1156:
CPU: All Pentium D/ Pentium 4/ All Celeron D/ All Pentium Dual-Core/ Extreme/ All Core 2 Extreme/ Core 2 Quad/ Core 2 Duo, Core i5, Core i7

AMD Socket 754/ 939/ 940/ AM2/ AM2+/ AM3/ FM1:
CPU: All Athlon 64 X2, Athlon 64, All Athlon 64 FX, Opteron, Sempron, Phenom, Phenom II


All brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Design Concept of Tranquillo:

The tower CPU Cooler “Tranquillo” uses 4 power heat pipes and a special heat pipe constellation to achieve best heat transfer from CPU core to the aluminium fins in its class. After precise software simulation and calculation during the development stage a unique heat sink shape was created to lower air flow resistance as much as possible.



A silent 120mm fan with the intelligent GELID PWM (Pulse Width Module) control has been chosen to make this heat sink more valuable. The fan blades were optimised to guarantee high airflow while running silently. The intelligent GELID PWM curve keeps the fan silent when no necessary cooling is needed and  accelerates the fan speed whenever additional cooling is needed. The multi-award winning high performance GC-2 thermal compound is already included in the package.


To prevent any conflicts with the components on your motherboard please check with this dimension restriction drawing:



Additionally mounting clips for AMD 754/ 939/ 940/ AM2/ AM2+ and for Intel 775, 1366 and latest 1156 sockets as same as back plates for Intel LGA 775, Core i5 and Core i7 boards are all included. The cooler is RoHS and WEEE conform and carries a 5 year warranty. Please have a look at the installation manual.



May / 2011: Tech

"I have been using this heatsink for a couple of weeks now and have to admit that I am well pleased with it. I cannot stand a loud, noisy system and the Gelid Tranquillo fits nicely into being a part of a near silent computer. The fan Gelid has included with the cooler does a great job moving air without generating noise or vibration, the banes of silent computing. The cooler itself, while looking similar to many others on the market today, has been designed and tweaked to deliver superior cooling; it does this job well. While it would be possible to gain additional cooling by replacing the original fan with a higher CFM 120mm fan, I am content to use the cooler just as it is. The fact that the fan has a five year warranty also adds to my contentment."

October / 2010:

"Good performance for a very attractive price … Tranquillo successfully compete nearly twice more expensive Noctua NH-U12P. You will hardly find other cooler for 760 CZK  what will offer so high performance at so low noise level. It can’t compete significantly bigger and more expensive coolers but it is on TOP in its price category."

October / 2010:

"Gelid Tranquillo je překvapivě výkonný a tichý chladič za překvapivě nízkou cenu. To je to o co šlo především. Doporučujeme ka�dému, kdo kouká na ka�dou korunu, ale chce kvalitní, tiché a výkonné chlazení pro svůj procesor. Nic lepšího za méně peněz nekoupíte, nebo o tom alespoň nevíme."

September / 2010:

"Der Gelid Tranquillo ist ein wahrliches Top Produkt und das zu einem absoluten Kampfpreis von gerademal 23€. Die Verarbeitung kann sich sehen lassen und die Montage ist einfach wie nie. Der Lüfter des Tranquillo ist gar nicht (PWM) bis kaum (12Volt) aus dem System herauszuhören. Zu guter Letzt ist noch die schicke Optik hervorzuheben, welche uns sehr gefallen hat. Wir vergeben dem Gelid Tranquillo mit Freude unseren Gold Award, dazu gesellen sich noch der Preisleistungs-Award und obendrauf noch der Silent-Award. Mehr geht einfach nicht!"

September / 2010:

"Pokud nehledáte na trhu to nejdra�ší co se prodává, ale jdete spíše po poměru cena/výkon, tak je Gelid Tranquillo naprosto jasnou volbou a nic výrazně lepšího asi nenajdete. Za naměřené výsledků a našich pravidel musím tomuto chladiči udělit ocenění "Recommended for 220W", a také uvést, �e se jedná o nejlevnější CPU chladič s tímto presti�ním oceněním."

September / 2010:

"Der Gelid Tranquillo bietet eine sehr zeitgemäße Leistung, und das zum Preis von ca. 25-30 €. Das Featureset ist komplett und man vermisst an diesem Kühler auch im Vergleich zur teils deutlich teureren Konkurrenz nichts. Im Alltagsbetrieb kann der Kühler durch eine sehr leise, durchaus silenttaugliche Charakteristik bei milden Temperaturen überzeugen, die auch unter Last nicht in nervöse oder laut tönende Bereiche kommt. Sogar für ordentliches Overclocking, wenngleich auch ohne allzu hohe Overvolting/Weltrekordambitionen, ist genügend Headroom vorhanden, den man wahlweise für geringere Lautstärke oder höhere Takte nutzen kann. Dieser wird auch zukünftig vorhanden sein, da derzeit die Verlustleistungen gegenüber unserem Testprozessor eher wieder sinken. Der Gelid-Spross überzeugt damit voll und ganz. Insbesondere gefällt der ausgewogene und auch im Preis zurückhaltende, wenngleich selbstbewusste Auftritt, der angesichts der gebotenen Leistung und Flexibilität durchaus angebracht ist."

July / 2010:

"GELID Solutions bringt mit den Tranquillo einen kompakten und einfach zu montierenden Tower Kühler auf den Markt. Der Kühler ist mit einen sehr leisen 120mm Lüfter ausgestattet und verdient sich somit unseren Silent Award. Eine gute Alternative bietet der Kühler zu den Boxedkühlern. Da er sehr leise seinen Dienst verrichtet und dazu noch die CPU kühl hält, passt er einfach in jedes System. Der Preis von ca. 22 € sollte diesen Kühler auch für Low Budget User ansprechend machen und daher 5 von 7 Punkten "

July / 2010:

"If you want good performance but at a fairly good value we would have to recommend the GELID Tranquillo as it performs very well relative to the more expensive coolers. In this review, though, we can clearly see that the GELID Tranquillo just barely wins the best value award over the Cogage True Spirit."

July / 2010:

"качественный продукт башенной конструкции.Четыре тепловых трубки работают хорошо и позволяют побить конкурента в лице Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Rev.2. Рекомендованная цена GELID Solutions Tranquillo 38 долларов США, но в России он не продается. Мы не знаем, будет ли он продаваться в у нас в ближайшее время, но цена в 38 долларов нам нравится."

June / 2010:

"Der GELID Solutions ist eine klare Kaufempfehlung denn er bietet eine ausgezeichnete Kühlleistung bei einem sehr guten Preis. Mit dem Erwerb des GELID Solutions Tranquillo bekommt man sozusagen das Komplettpaket, einen sehr guten Kühler, einen leistungsstarken Lüfter und eine der besten Wärmeleitpasten auf dem Markt."

May / 2010:

"Mit etwa 25 Euro liegt der Tranquillo preislichen zwischen dem Coolermaster Hyper 101 und dem Nexus XiR-3500. Der Kühler aus dem Hause GELID Solutions, der wegen seines Namens schon gewisse Erwartungen an einen ruhigen Betrieb weckt, kommt diesen voll umfänglich nach. Im Idle-Betrieb der CPU lässt sich der Lüfter kaum wahrnehmen und auch unter Last hält sich die Lärmbelästigung durch den Lüfter sehr in Grenzen. Obwohl die Montage nicht ganz so simple ausfällt wie beim Coolermaster Hyper 101, geht der Einbau schnell und einfach von der Hand. Auch die Kühlleistung kann durchaus überzeugen und macht den GELID Solutions Tranquillo so zu einem echten Geheimtipp."

May / 2010:

"Der Tranquillo eignet sich ideal für Sparfüchse, die nicht unbedingt den allerbesten Kühler ihr Eigen nennen müssen. Das soll aber jetzt nicht heißen, dass das neuste GELID Solutions Produkt „Schrott“ ist. Ganz im Gegenteil! Unser Testmuster bietet eine ordentlich Kühlleistung bei geringer Akustik. Darüber hinaus können sich auch der effektive PWM-Lüfter und die hochwertige Verarbeitungsqualität sehen lassen. Last but not least wäre da noch der günstige Verkaufspreis von unter 22 Euro. Da freut sich das Sparschwein!"

May / 2010:

"At first, I was not expecting much from this cooler because of its $39.99 USD price tag, but I can safely say that I was thinking the exact opposite during testing and while actually taking a look at the cooler and holding it in my hand, The cooler has a very nice design, both in packaging and the actual cooler/fan. During the Stress Testing, I was impressed throughout the whole 2 hours, I would not expect a $40 cooler to perform this well. The cooler is definitely a winner in my eyes, with the Great Design, 5 years warranty, and performance, Gelid Solutions has a clear winner on their hands. I would recommend the Cooler to anyone that wants to build a computer on the 775, 1366, and 1156 sockets, or if they already have one and would like to upgrade the stock Intel coolers, The GELID Solutions Tranquillo Provides excellent performance and stunning design for a price that won’t break the bank, Just the way I like it!"

April / 2010:

"GELID Solutions has produced a good quiet heatsink, with good thermal performance. Clearly, the GELID Solutions Tranquillo heatsink is best suited to 95-85W TDP processors where it easily manages to keep temperatures in check while operating at whisper quiet levels. When stressed with the 150W heat load the Tranquillo heatsink can at best yield 'good' thermal performance on the Intel test platform."

April / 2010:

"GELID Solutions latest CPU cooler performed very well for a relatively simple tower cooler. Throughout our tests it delivered good thermal performance which is great considering the low speed fan. Even while running at maximum speed we could not class it as loud which is sure to please many consumers. Although nobody could call this cooler small its size and weight are not excessive for a high performance tower cooler and thus it should be compatible for use in all but the narrowest ATX tower cases. In short, the Tranquillo is a great all-around CPU cooler which combines very good thermal and acoustics performance with easy installation and excellent compatibility."

April / 2010:

"Кулер GELID Solutions Tranquillo проявил себя с самой наилучшей стороны. Удобные крепления, тихий вентилятор и высокая эффективность отличают его среди конкурентов. Награда "Разумный выбор" достается этому продукту компании Gelid за лучшее в классе соотношение "цена-качество".

April / 2010:

"Tranquillo 散 热 器 可 支 持 最 新 的 i7 以 及 i5处 理 器 所 使  用,并 且 高 性 能、低 噪 音 以 及低 廉 的 价 格。这 款 散 热 器 产 品 还 推 荐 超 频 方 案 设 计,整 体 的 设 计 相 当 不 错."

April / 2010:

"Pokud nechcete obětovat tolik prostředků do chladiče procesoru, odká�u vás na jiné dva výrobky. Gelid Tranquillo a Evercool Transformer 4. Oba vykonají svoji práci velmi dobře a v balení naleznete vše potřebné. I přes o něco lepší výsledky Transformera 4 bych dal ocenění „Smart Buy“ výrobku Gelidu, celková kvalita a hlavně ventilátor, schopný většího rozsahu otáček, převá�í pomyslný jazýček na vahách."

March / 2010:

"Le Tranquillo offre des performances supérieures, mais aussi un silence qu'il est bien pour les oreilles. On peut travailler tranquilloment à côté de sa machine, sans se goinfrer de cachets pour le mal de crâne. Installation simple et efficace, design agréable avec le petit logo en haut, pâte thermique fournie en tube, etc. Que lui reprocher ?"

March / 2010:

"One of the most important things about the GELID Solutions Tranquillo is the fact that it has an excellent performance to cost ratio. We really can’t fault GELID Solutions for the cost cutting and design quirks that make this cooler what it is since it really did impress us through almost every single test scenario. It may not be the best at all situations, but it was hardly ever the worst even though it barely breaks the $30 mark in some situations. If you are looking for excellent performance but don’t want to shell out the $50 and more some higher-end units retail for, you can’t go wrong with the Tranquillo."

March / 2010:

"Este Cooler foi mais uma surpresa positiva que tivemos, sem duvida a sua qualidade de construção é excelente, o rácio performance/ qualidade dele é excelente, sem dúvida bem acima da média para um cooler com um pricetag de 30€, inclui muitos acessórios de origem, e é compatível com todos os sockets anunciados pela marca, trazendo todas as retenções, é um cooler grande e que inclui uma fan bem silenciosa, a qual vem sleevada , um detalhe que fica bem e é bonito de se ver , hoje em dia todos os sistema de topo tem sleeving de boa qualidade e o da fan é de uma qualidade muito boa. É um cooler muito fresco e aguentou-se muito bem perante um I5 que aquece bastante quando levado a um overclocking ja bem puxado, tendo em conta as condições em que ele foi testado, saiu-se muito bem mesmo , foi utilizada a pasta térmica de origem a qual é excelente a dissipar a temperatura e a “ajudar” a diminuir mais uns graus , o que é mais um ponto a favor do cooler. Devido à sua compatibilidade e acessórios nele incluídos, aliado a performance obtida no teste este Cooler é excelente para sistemas sem Oc e com Oc já bem puxados, é um cooler com uma qualidade de construção impressionante, muito boa mesmo e com acessórios que o acompanham no nível de qualidade, esta é uma empresa recente como referido já, e estão simplesmente de parabéns por este fabuloso cooler, fizeram um trabalho notável, não só no desenvolvimento dele bem como no produto final, esta aqui um cooler capaz de enfrentar outras soluções para arrefecimento de Cpu bem mais dispendiosas, está aqui um Cooler para “lutar” contra os pesos – pesados do mercado de aircooling!!!!"

March / 2010:

"GELID Solutions a logrado obtener un producto digno con el CPU Cooler Tranquillo. Supieron innovar con el diseño, logrando superar de forma muy amplia los resultados del disipador stock de nuestro procesador de pruebas. Tiene un diseño de torre pero a la vez compacto, con un ventilador muy silencioso PWM y un precio muy competitivo para las prestaciones que ofrece, sobre los 40 dolares en USA. Es capaz de absorber hasta 185W de calor lo que lo convierte en una excelente opción para uso cotidiano e incluso para overclocking moderado, estéticamente es agradable, soporta sockets LGA 775, LGA 1156, LGA 1366 y AMD 754, 939, 940, AM2, AM2+ y AM3 lo que globalmente lo hace atractivo al usuario medio. Como puntos en contra lo único que podemos observar es el sistema de agarre del ventilador al disipador. GELID Solutions utilizo alambres, un sistema que personalmente considero el mejor, pero es que va tan justo que se hace complicado instalarlo y aun con cuidado el alambre raya el ventilador."

March / 2010:

"A boa notícia é que a grande maioria dos coolers com esse projeto saiu-se muito bem nos nossos testes e com o Tranquillo não foi diferente: seu desempenho foi comparável ao dos melhores coolers que já testamos. A melhor notícia é que ele foi um dos coolers mais silenciosos que já vimos. Com o processador ocioso ele é inaudível, pois o próprio ruído produzido pelo disco rígido girando é bem mais intenso do que o produzido pelo cooler. Mesmo com o processador em plena carga, ele obteve um nível de ruído muito baixo, fazendo juz ao seu nome.  Como se não bastasse, seu preço é inferior ao de praticamente todos os coolers com desempenho semelhante. Se considerarmos ainda que sua montagem é firme e simples, o único ponto onde o Tranquillo não se destaca é mesmo no visual, pois ele não tem aletas niqueladas ou ventoinha com LEDs. Mas o conjunto é harmonioso e bonito. Resumindo: é um excelente cooler, de bom desempenho, silencioso, simples de instalar, bonito e relativamente barato. Com isso tudo não tem como ele não levar o selo de Produto Recomendado do Clube do Hardware."

March / 2010:

"If this is how well GELID Solutions can cool your CPU when trying to keep everything quiet, imagine what they can do with a little noise! I'm excited to see what they will do in the future but the Tranquillo will be more than enough to keep me satisfied for now. The most impressive part is that all of that performance comes with an entry-level price tag."

March / 2010:

"The better news is the fact that Tranquillo was one of the quietest coolers we've seen (better said, heard) so far. With the CPU idle it is virtually inaudible, as the hard disk spinning noise is far more intense than the noise level produced by the cooler. Even under full load it keeps a low noise level, justifying its name. Another added advantage is its price: it costs less than most coolers with similar performance. Considering that its installation is simple and solid, the only point where Tranquillo does not shines is on the looks, because it has no nickel-plated fins, LED fan our other aesthetic pluses, but in a general way the result is a beautiful and harmonious looks. In other words: Tranquillo is an excellent cooler, with good performance, quiet, easy to install, beautiful and relatively inexpensive. So, it receives the Hardware Secrets Golden Award."

February / 2010:

"The only bad thing we had to say about the GELID Tranquillo in our original review was its LGA1366 performance, so it’s great to find that the cooler delivers surprisingly capable LGA 1366 cooling for a cooler that not only costs just over £20, but remains very quiet while doing so. A load delta T of 55°C is just 4°C more than the Titan Fenrir with its voltage step down cable fitted, a great result considering the GELID is so quiet even with its fan at full speed. Setting your system to PWM fan control would see the fan run even quieter, although obviously at the cost of some performance. This is all great news for us though, as it means we can now recommend the Tranquillo as an affordable, quiet and capable heatsink on LGA 1366, LGA 1156 and AM2."

February / 2010:

"Vienas iš svarbesnių aspektų renkantis procesoriaus aušintuvą yra jo kaina. GELID Solutions Tranquillo procesoriaus aušintuvas kainų kategorijoje be abejonės laimi pirmą vietą, kadangi parduotuvėse kainuoja tik 28 eurus ir testuose demonstruoja puikius testų rezultatus. Dėka GELID Solutions kompanijos PWM apsukų valdymo sistemos Idle rė�imu kompiuteris veikė ypač tyliai, o apkrovus sistemą 100 procentų beveik netriukšmavo. Tylos ir gerų aušinimų rezultatų ieškantis kompiuterinės technikos pirkėjai turėtų pirmiausia atkreipti dėmesį į šį procesoriaus aušintuvą, prieš perkant kokį nors kitą variantą u� panašią kainą."

February / 2010:

"GELID Solutions has a worthy product in the Tranquillo, especially for a relatively new company. The Tranquillo easily bests the performance of the OEM cooler while being noticeably quieter, even at full speed. The design doesn't provide any board-cooling options though, but is relatively easy to install. The fit and finish is pretty good and, at the right price, this cooler could be an excellent value. The tranquillo is relatively compact and lightweight and the PWM fan and fan mounting solution makes for a near-silent cooler that should fit in all but the smallest of chassis'. At this time, there seems to be several retailers for the GELID Solutions Tranquillo in the US, and the listed price (around $40 US) would make this a good value. All in all, the Tranquillo would seem to have a place in the PC cooling aftermarket and I look forward to seeing what products they develop in the future."

Februar / 2010:

"Der GELID Solutions Tranquillo ist mit seiner Kühlleistung zwar kein Überflieger, kann sich aber dennoch in seinem Preisfeld sehr gut behaupten. Die Montage geht leicht von der Hand und der Geräuschpegel hält sich im Großen und Ganzen auf niedrigem Niveau. An dieser Stelle möchten wir noch einmal den gewaltigen Sprung vom schmächtigen Silent Spirit zum Tranquillo hervor heben. GELID Solutions hat seine Hausaufgaben gemacht und einen konkurrenzfähigen Kühler im höheren Preisniveau geschaffen."

January / 2009:

"میتوان GELID Solutions Tranquillo را ‘خنک کننده ای برای تمام فصول’ نامید. با قیمتی مناسب خنک کننده ای در اختیار خواهید داشت که در کنار کارایی خوب، از تمام سوکت های پردازنده های امروزی پشتیبانی کرده و حتی در زمان اورکلاک پردازنده نیز نویز کمی ایجاد میکند."

January / 2010:

"GELID Solutions has done a wonderful job with the Tranquillo CPU cooler. As the name implies, it did live up to being a silent (and well performing) CPU cooler. I was especially happy to see the broad platform compatibility right out of the box. They may not have a large CPU cooler line-up right now, but GELID Solutions is off to a wonderful start with the Tranquillo."

January / 2010:

"The Tranquillo is a budget to mid-range cooler, It can take a 185W heat which means that for normal usage it’s excellent, and for overclocking even the more high-end processor it will have give enough headroom before temperatures would get out of control. The Tranquillo cpu cooler fan can be a bit noisy when it is running in full speed. This should not be a problem since the GELID Solutions PWM fans have a better speed curve and will stay at low speed most of the time."

December / 2009:

"GELID Solutions Tranquillo cpu cooler combines both high performance and low noise, but the fan can be a bit noisy when it is running in full speed. This should not be a problem since the GELID Solutions PWM fans have a better speed curve and will stay at low speed most of the time. Tranquillo has an MSRP: USD 38/ Euro 28, which is quite good if we consider what we get, a good cpu cooler with wide comaptibility range, and a high quality 12cm PWM fan.Also the included thermal paste GC-2 is way better than the cheap silmore we find in most cpu coolers."

December / 2009:

"The Tranquillo is advertised as having a MSRP of $38 USD (Euro 28), so as far as value goes the Tranquillo has made a pretty good case for itself. Once the Tranquillo becomes widely available online I would assume you could probably pickup this cooler for even cheaper and as we saw in our testing it was able to keep up with other more expensive coolers, so as far as value goes the Tranquillo scored pretty high in our books.I don't really have any major complaints with the Tranquillo, the quality is good and the performance is also very decent, and those are by far two of the biggest criteria most consumers are looking for when making their purchasing decision. At the end of the day I was very happy with the Tranquillo. If you're looking for a quiet and affordable CPU cooler that can cool even the hottest Quad-Core processors you'll want to give the Tranquillo some serious consideration."

Dezember / 2009:

"Wie der Test schön zeigt, hat GELID Solutions auch bei diesem Kühler gute Arbeit geleistet. Die Leistung des Kühlers ist hervorragend. Die Verarbeitung liegt auf einem sehr hohen Niveau. Der Kühler eignet sich gut für Übertakter (wenn man nicht zu hoch hinaus will). GELID Solutions ist noch ein sehr junges Unternehmen in der Computer Branche, aber dafür können sich Ihre Produkte, wie der Tranquillo in der Oberliga beweisen. Der Kühler eignet sich aus unserer Sicht auch gut für kleine Midi-Tower, da er mit seinen Maßen gut in das Cooltek K4 Gehäuse passte."

Dezember / 2009:

"GELID Solutions bringt mit dem Tranquillo seinen zweiten Kühler der Silent-Serie auf den Markt, welcher gut und günstig sein soll. Wenn man sich die Verpackung und den Lieferumfang anschaut merkt man vom günstigen Preis zunächst wenig. Die Verarbeitung des Kühlers ist gut, weder verbogene Lamellen noch ein zerkratzter Boden oder andere Beschädigungen sind vorhanden. Die Montage gestaltet sich äußerst einfach, auch wenn der Kühler auf AMD-Systemen nur Richtung Netzteil ausgerichtet werden kann. Der Kühler zeigt deutlich seine stärken im Vergleich mit 800 U/Min. Dort liegt er im guten Mittelfeld und lässt den einen oder anderen deutlich teureren Kühler hinter sich. Insgesamt ist der GELID Solutions Tranquillo eine gute Alternative zum Boxed-Kühler, welche gerade durch den geringen Preis von rund 28 Euro interessant ist."

December / 2009:

"The Tranquillo is a budget to mid-range cooler that kicks some nice punch when it comes to cooling. It can take a 185W heat which means that for normal usage it's excellent, and for overclocking even the more high-end processor it will have give enough headroom before temperatures would get out of control - you'll be able to pick up the Gelid Tranquillo for less than 30 EUR which makes this a good value CPU cooler. So we feel that the price and bundle are pretty striking, next to that the Tranquillo performs pretty well as heatpipe based CPU cooler too. The package will include Mounting clips for AMD 754/ 939/ 940/ AM2/ AM2+ and for Intel 775, 1366 and latest 1156 sockets as same as back plates for Intel LGA 775, Core i5 and Core i7 boards, meaning pretty much any processor to date can have the Tranquillo sit on it's doing it's  lap dance."

December / 2009:

"GELID Solutions really reworked th etypical ideals of a tower cooler and offers a very silent cooling solution here, and at a reasonable price tag as well."

November / 2009:

"We really liked GELID's Tranquillo as the cooler features great design, excellent finishing and multitude of tiny details that although unnoticeable, do a lot to improve the performance. Tranquillo is also one of few cooling solutions that supports almost all newer processors, including Intel's 1366 and 1156 socket CPUs. The tests clearly show that Tranquillo's true power is revealed when you decide to overclock your CPU. Of course, when overclocking a CPU the temperatures go up as well, so the system will automatically increase the rpm on Tranquillo's fan. Still, you need not worry about noise, as Tranquillo justified its name and runs surprisingly quiet at maximum rpm. After the mounting process, this cooler will not disappoint. GELID Solutions is a young company and they've done a good job. Tranquillo is currently priced at €28, which is pretty nice, especially considering that some coolers in its class feature inferior performance and they're still priced up to €50. Furthermore, GELID's warranty on this cooler is good for 5 years, which makes this deal altogether sweeter."


November / 2009:

"In sostanza il Tranquillo si dimostra essere un dissipatore dall'alto contenuto tecnologico, avente una superficie dissipante che gli permette di avere prestazioni eccellenti a medio bassi wattaggi tenendo testa a dissipatori con un costo di svariate decine di euro superiore; ma che si rivolta contro di lui agli alti wattaggi(200w); wattaggi che comunque difficilmente vengono raggiunti da soluzioni in ambito "consumer". L'attribuzione dell'award se si pensa che il Tranquillo sarà venduto in Italia ad un prezzo consigliato di 28€ iva inclusa non può che essere positiva. Attribuiamo il nostro massimo giudizio."

Novemver / 2009:

"Baştan itibaren sessizlik ve uygun fiyat için tasarlanmış olan bir işlemci soğutucusu. Zaten Tranquillo'nun anlamı sessizlik. Fan hızı sıcaklığa göre otomatik olarak değişiyor. Çoğu zaman tamamen sessiz kalıyor. Tek bir fan olsa da hava akımı yeterli. Ayrıca geniş bir yelpazedeki yeni nesil işlemcileri destekliyor. Paketten çıkan GC-2 termal macun seti tamamlıyor. Aşırı büyük olmayan kule soğutucu 5 yıl gibi hayli uzun garanti süresine sahip. 28 Euro olan fiyatı göz önüne alınırsa malzeme ve işçilik açısından beklentileri karşılıyor. Günümüzde özellikle Soket 1156 işlemci sahipleri için yüksek öneme sahip. Montaj sırasında sıkıntı yaşamadık. Firebal tarafından satışa sunulması bekleniyor."

November / 2009: Computer Pro-User

"Tranquillo以大風扇和大散熱面積優勢,比起Silent Spirit低 4℃。如果配合機箱後置散熱扇及使用同廠 GC-Extreme散熱膏,相信效果可以更佳

Please download manual here.

*Included: GC-2 Thermal Compound & Installation Kit for AMD & Intel sockets
Air Flow (CFM/CMH): 58 max
Bearing: Hydro Dynamic Bearing
Cable Length (mm): 500
Current (A): 0.18
DC Voltage (V): 12
Fan Dimensions (mm): 120 (l) x 120 (w) x 25 (h)
Fan Speed (+/- 10% ) (RPM): 750 – 1500
Heat Sink with Fan Dimensions (mm): 74 (l) x 125 (w) x 153 (h)
Life time MTTF at 40C (h): 50’000
Noise Level (dBA): 12 – 25.5
Static Pressure (mmAq): 1.6
Warranty (years): 5
Weight (g): 645