
SKU: FN-PX12-20
  •  Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
  •  Silent Operation w/ Rubber Fan Mounts
  •  Optimized Fan Blades
  •  High Airflow & High Static Pressure
  •  Long Lifetime (50’000 h MTTF at 40°C)

Silent 12 PWM (FN-PX12-20)
120mm Case Fan with Intelligent PWM control


Designed for advanced users GELID Silent PWM fans provide additional airflow by using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to automatically adjust fan speed according to the CPU load. The fan can be idled down and thus be much quieter.  An intelligent IC had been integrated into the fan’s PCB to exploit your mainboard’s BIOS software. This technology is more efficient and convenient than using an external fan controller to adjust the voltage.


Each fan impeller has been individually balanced using the latest technology to guarantee steady, unwavering operation. To add to the silence fan mounts replace traditional screws and are made of high quality, temperature resistant, extra long lasting rubber and stop vibrations from the fan motor from traveling into your PC case.


How does PWM work?

Pulse-width modulation (PWM) delivers a digital signal. The advantages of using a digital PWM signal compared to an analogue controller are:

– PWM control calculates the appropriate cooling performance according to CPU and System temperature
– PWM control of your mainboard will always adjust to the correct cooling
– PWM control operates without generating any heat


The Intelligent GELID PWM Curve

The intelligent GELID PWM Curve is more effecient than the traditional red curve of other PWM fans.


EAN: 4897025783614


July / 2009: Hardware Magazine

"Nous avons particulièrement apprécié ces produits dont la qualité de fabrication ne souffre d’aucun défaut et qui présentent un rapport performances/bruit parmi les meilleurs. Pour ne rien gâcher, ils sont livrés de série avec des supports de fixation en caoutchouc. Les produits GELID Solutions sont, enfin, très abordables, à peine 5 euros les modèles de 120 mm ! En sus des gammes normales et autorégulées par PWM, GELID Solutions propose une variante autorégulée par une sonde de température de ses ventilateurs."

Juli / 2009:

"Zum Schluss nun noch das Fazit zum Silent 12 PWM. Er sieht schlicht aus, die Leistung in Relation zur Lautstärke könnte besser sein über 10V. Unter 10V stimmt das Verhältnis von Luftfördermenge und Lautstärke. Die intelligente PWM-Steuerung, welche Nicht-Linear verläuft, empfinden wir als nicht so ideal, da sich so keine endültige Lüftergeschwindigkeit erreichen lässt. Somit gibt es für den 7,00€ UVP teuren Lüfter den Bronzeaward."

July / 2009:

"Silent 12 PWM performed very well and operated very quietly and put up comparable numbers. The Silent series did pretty good operates very quietly and the five-year warranty is an added bonus that makes GELID Solutions fans a good choice."

May / 2009:

"E rövid cikk végére érve azt kell mondanom, hogy a GELID termékek pozitív értelemben okoztak meglepetést. Komoly, valóban igényes darabokkal találkoztam. A felturbózott siklócsapágy és a hagyományostól kissé eltérő folyadékos megoldás mind a két ventilátor típusnak jót tett. A termékeket így az első próba alapján mindenképpen az ajánlott kategóriába sorolom. Persze a puding próbája az evés, a ventilátoroké pedig a tartós használat, így arról ennyi idő után nem tudok nyilatkozni, hogy a csapágyazás mennyire fogja az idő próbáját kiállni. Az azonban mindenképpen biztató, hogy a drágább ventilátorokon és a processzorhűtőn öt év garanciát jelölt a gyártó."

April / 2009:

"Both fans are very recommendable and perform no short of what is expected. What really amazed me is how silent both fans were compared to other fans from competitor companies. The GC1 Thermal Compound performed brilliantly as well seeing nearly a temperature drop of nearly two degrees under high load which is quite impressive. GELID Solutions are doing really well, hopefully they will continue to provide consumers with high quality products in the future as well. The attention to detail, quality and aesthetics was noted as both fans look brilliant and as such are very recommended to those who have a transparent side panel. Furthermore, the UV Blue Wing is a joy to behold especially when used with a UV light. It simply looks brilliant."

April / 2009:

"Le GELID Solutions Silent 12 PWM est vendu dans une boite blanche en carton refermable, on peut apercevoir une partie du ventilateur ainsi que la mention PWM. Contrairement au GELID Solutions Wing 12 UV Blue le GELID Solutions Silent 12 PWM intégre un très legé bundle qui se compose de 4 fixations anti-vibrations et un autocollant GELID Solutions. Le cadre du ventilateur est noir et ses pales blanches, on notera également la présence d'un cable d'une bonne longueur."

April / 2009:

"Wentylator GELID Solutions Silent 12 PWM jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla osób chcących kupić dobry i cichy wentylator z możliwością sterowania obrotami za pośrednictwem płyty głównej. Zastosowane gumowe kołeczki umożliwiają amortyzowanie drgań wentylatora na obudowie."

April / 2009:

"GELID Solutions hat mit dem Silent 12 PWm einen guten Lüfter, der vor allen dingen mit einem sehr guten Preis von gerade einmal 7,00€ ( stand 02.2009 ) überzeugen kann. Aber auch die Laufruhe und der Lieferumfang sprechen für sich. Bei niedriger Drehzahl ist der Silent 12 PWM nicht zu hören, bietet aber einen guten Luftdurchsatz. Bei voller Leistung ist er zwar hörbar aber immer noch einer der leiseren Lüfter auf dem Markt. Für die gebotene Leistung und die Qualität bei der Verarbeitung bekommt der GELID Solutions Silent 12 PWM von uns den Goldaward."

March / 2009:

"Con el SILENT 12 PWM, de nuevo GELID Solutions ha conseguido sorprenderos gratamente, ya que es muy complejo intentar conseguir aunar silencio y rendimiento en un único producto, acercándonos además el control dinámico mediante la tecnología de control PWM a nuestros equipos. En base a los resultados obtenidos en nuestro banco de pruebas, el SILENT 12 PWM se presenta como una propuesta con una emisión acústica muy contenida, con una amplio rango de trabajo, un caudal generoso y un período de garantía de 5 años, que nos aseguran un funcionamiento fiable a largo plazo. Todo ello por un precio muy contenido, que lo convertirán en un rival muy serio a tener en cuenta para sus competidores más cercanos."

March / 2009:

"For a first try i must admit that GELID did well in terms of quality and looks, their bundle is also adequate with four rubber anti-vibration mountings and a sticker. GELID fans also feature an intelligent PWM curve which makes their fans more efficient when using them with PWM. Price wise GELID kept them quite low and for that amount of money they are a truly a catch for everyone that does not care about noise."

März / 2009:

"Ein schicker Lüfter mit weißem Rotorblatt. Akzente setzen und sein System personalisieren ist mit diesem kleinen Lüfter wirklich einfach. Auch der moderate Preis spielt hierbei eine Rolle, denn ungern gibt man mehr als 10 euro für einen Lüfter aus. GELID Solutions verlangt hierfür deutlich weniger und es ist somit nur eine Frage der Zeit bis auch dieser Hersteller eine eingeschworene Fan Gemeinde sein Eigen nennen kann."

März / 2009:

"Auch das dritte Testmuster aus dem Hause GELID Solutions, der Silent 12 PWM, konnte überzeugen. Leistung, Verarbeitung und der Preis (ca. 7,50.-€) sind hervorragend. Der Lüfter ist sowohl für Silentfans, als auch für Overclocker geeignet. Bei voller Drehzahl müssen im Bereich Silent ein paar kleine Abstriche gemacht werden da der Lüfter deutlich hörbar, aber nicht störend ist. Insgesamt kann man bei der gebotenen Leistung besonders bei dem Preis nichts verkehrt machen."


February / 2009:

"Trudno nie zauważyć, że recenzowane wentylatory firmy GELID stanowią ofertę z dwóch przeciwległych półek. SILENT 12 to raczej przeciętny produkt nie oferujący niczego co odróżniało by go od konkurencji. W dodatku kultura jego pracy nie jest zachwycająca, a spektrum napięć, przy których jest w stanie przepchnąć odpowiednią ilość powietrza, to tylko 8-12V. WING 12 to już wentylator z nieco wyższymi aspiracjami. Dużo lepiej wyposażony oraz wykonany w lepszej technologii. Analizując wyniki odnoszę wrażenie, że jednostka ta mogła by powalczyć w segmencie cenowym 30-40zł choć niekoniecznie na pozycji lidera. Nie mniej znaczący jest wygląd wentylatora, który w tym przypadku może się podobać i pasować do niejednej wizji aranżacji wnętrza komputera - np. do projektu naszego kolegi redakcyjnego. Warto na koniec przypomnieć, że to jeden z niewielu (o ile nie jedyny) wentylator na rynku pozwalający na tak prosty demontaż wirnika."

February / 2009:

"So there you have it, another great product from GELID. In terms of noise, it’s one of the best fans I’ve ever reviewed and it will really appeal to enthusiasts trying to achieve silent cooling. Moreover, the cost is very low for a product of this quality and so won’t set you back much. The only downside is the performance, still good I might add, but not as good as the GELID fans from the gamer range or other high performance fans. But then performance and silence are two very difficult things to achieve in one product and so in my opinion this is a very good attempt from new company GELID. I would certainly recommend this product if you are looking for silent case fans as these really are dead quiet."


February / 2009:

"Firstly the Silent 12 PWM offers PWM convenience, rubber mounts, a great warranty and performance that compares directly with other quality fans in the market. To create a fan that combines the silence of Akasa's Amber and Thermaltake's TT-1225 with the back pressure of the Vantec is commendable. It does create a little noise while running at 12v but nothing more than the Amber which is considered one of the best in its class. GELID has two winning fan systems here and although in their infancy look like they will be a formidable force in the fan market from now on. Top performance at an affordable price means they both come very highly recommended."


Februar / 2009:

"Der Gesamteindruck, den der Test der Lüfter von GELID Solutions auf uns hinterließ, war ein durchweg positiver. Die simple und vibrationsdämpfende Montage via beigelegter Gummibolzen sowie die in Netzschlauch verpackten Anschlusskabel der Lüfter vermochten überaus zu gefallen. Ebenso zeugen die präzise, nahezu geräuschfrei und vibrationsarm ihren Dienst verrichtende Lagerung von einem hohen Qualitätsanspruch. Die dabei angedachte Preisgestaltung von 7,00/7,20/11,00€ (Silent 12 PWM/TC/WING 12; UVP lt. Hersteller; Stand August 2008) ist durchaus annehmbar für die erbrachte Produktqualität."

Februar / 2009:

"Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, hier ist für jeden etwas dabei! Insgesamt 3 verschieden Lüftergrößen stehen zur Auswahl. Für jede Lüfteraussparung die passende Lüftergröße (80mm, 90mm und 120mm). Besonders positiv ist die gelungene Verarbeitung. Dank optimierter Flügelform ist auch bei voller Drehzahl der Lüfter angenehm leise.Der GELID Solutions Silent 12 PWM bekommt von uns den Goldaward aufgrund der guten Verarbeitung und des sehr leisen Lauf. Mit dem weiße Lüfterrad verspricht es eine stylische Optik"

January / 2009:

"The Silent lived up to its name and its abilities. I was going to run the test with all the fans at 100% but I wanted to see how well the Silent’s PWM stood up. It did very well I know if you ran this fan at 100% it would be a formidable opponent for the WING 12, but that is not what it is made for. I was very surprised to see Thermaltake loose in the ambient case temps because Thermaletake isn’t a new kid on the block by any means they have years of experiences in cooling. So would I go but one of these, or tell you to? Yes, especially is you are looking for quality cooling for your HTPC."

January / 2009:

"With these results in mind the GELID Silent 12 PWM fan can be commended on several fronts:  Not only is the fan quiet and have excellent specifications, it also comes with a 5 year guarantee and all for a price far less than its nearest rivals currently."

January / 2009:

"Es difícil no mostrarse entusiasmado con un ventilador como el GELID Silent 12PWM. Este es el claro ejemplo de una empresa joven, con buenas ideas, que ha querido dar un puñetazo encima de la mesa para hacerse un hueco en un mercado que es tremendamente competitivo pero no siempre está lleno de buenos productos. El GELID Silent 12PWM, lo es y de sobra."


Virtualmente inaudible en funcionamiento.
Muy amplio rango de rpm.
Perfecta implementación del sistema PWM.
Capacidad probada para funcionar como ventilador de disipador.
Excelente calidad en los materiales empleados.
5 años de garantía.
Por 7 € que cuesta, es una auténtica ganga.


Absolutamente ninguno.

January / 2009:

"Overall I was pretty impressed with all 3 products, the fans were silent and performed well, as did the thermal paste. All 3 products contained various accessories. Hopefully we'll start to see these on the shelves soon, with competitive pricing. GELID is not a company I'd encountered before, but I'm certainly looking forward to seeing their future products."

December / 2008:

"This young company has proved that they've got it, again! The fans that they create, are really quiet and they have a long life term. Also the PWM module is really impressive."

They get an 8/10 and a HOT Editor's choice reward!

December 2008:

"Having PWM and TC variations available in addition to a regular fan means GELID is catering to all audiences and providing dynamic options which each have their own advantages in different situations. We don’t see many PWM case fans but they can be very effective if placed in the right location. At €7.20 for the TC and €7 for the PWM flavour (roughly £6), the two fans are not the cheapest on the market but are high quality products and are certainly items we would recommend filling your empty fan brackets with."

November / 2008:

" Overall I am impressed with both the Silent and Gamer Wing series of fans. Both are very well built and the performance is very good. The rubber mounts are easy to install and take up any vibration that could lead to increased noise. When it comes to price, GELID Solutions scores again with both series of fans offering good performance and a very reasonable price. In our books GELID Solutions Silent series and Gamer Wing series of fans are both Ap0c Appr0ved !"

November / 2008:

"Ein Lob für den jungen Hersteller GELID Solutions, diese Kühler sollte jeder Assemblierer oder Computerhändler vorrätig haben. Ein toller Preis, wenig Krach und ein lange Garantie, da kann Niemand etwas falsch machen."

October / 2008:

"GELID Solutions Silent/ TC and PWM Series are definitely a nice line of fans. Quiet and in the same time effective. There are options for thermal control and Pulse Width Modulation control. You also get to choose between 80mm, 92mm and 120mm size of the fans, with abilities proportional to their size (with no loss of quality). The only thing I didn't like was their colour. My personal opinion white blades do not look nice in motion. Still in any other aspect GELID fans are product that wouldn't disappoint any of you that had obtained for your love for peace and quiet."

October / 2008:

"The fans performed wonderful. The temperature probes worked as advertised and they weren't stuck like we saw at a Zerotherm CPU cooler. They were also silent,for people that want to put silence in front of the looks. I also recommend them because of their low price and high quality. Also,all the cables are sleeved and you won't make a mess in your case when installing them."

October / 2008:

"For a new player on the market GELID delivers a solid product. GELID promises low noise and surely delivers. The Silent 8 has about the same sound characteristic as the Nexus, but is quieter. The ticking produced by the Silent 12TC/PWM is no problem when the fan is installed with the included rubber fan mounts and inaudible in a closed case. The PWM function works very well with on the used motherboards (not too slow). The TC Fan is very well suited as outtake fan. The price of the fans is the best part. Compared to the competitors the fans are outright cheap."

October / 2008:

"GELID certainly has made an impressive entry into the fan market with what I have seen here today. Looking at both ends of the spectrum; silence and performance, both lines from them have great design and performance. I was very pleased at how silent the "Silent" series was and the Wing series also left me in surprise by being quieter than I would have expected for a higher performing fan. The only thing missing? More North American distributors! That will come with time though, keep in mind GELID is still a fairly new company!"


September / 2008:

"I'm more than a little pleased to get my hands on these system fans from GELID Solutions that aren't all about pretty LEDs, or going all-out for low noise 100% of the time while also crippling the airflow of those fans in the process but instead focus on controlling fan speed via temperature while also working to ensure they aren't too loud from a design standpoint. However, my real interest from a personal perspective is in the Silent 12 PWM, which to be honest is the first PWM-sporting system fan I've ever gotten my hands on.  What's more, this capability makes the Silent 12 PWM a perfect fan to choose for any of the CPU coolers on the market which feature user-installable 120mm fans, putting them in the same league as coolers that feature PWM speed control natively. If you are looking for efficiency and controlled fan speeds are the name of the game, the Silent 12 TC and, even more so, the Silent 12 PWM, are an excellent choice."

September / 2008:

"I was extremely pleased with the GELID Silent 12 TC and PWM. They seem to be designed very well and perform exceptionally. The performance to noise ratio is also excellent, making these fans worthy of having "Silent" in their names. The installation is easy, thanks to the rubber mounting posts which I prefer over screws. Even the MSRP for these fans is attractive at $10.80 for the TC and $10.50 for the PWM. One thing that wasn't clear to me was the major difference between the TC and PWM. Other than the fact that one is thermally controlled and one is pulse-width modulation controlled, there was no reflection on the performance as far as I could tell. Perhaps it is just a user preference as to which fan is best. All in all, I would recommend these fans as a great alternative to generic fans as they are not that much more expensive but the performance and quality is much better." 

Septemeber / 2008:

"Sehr guter Lüfter zu einem angemessenen Preis! Besticht durch die kalten Farben und die ummantelten Kabel und kann daher auch für das Modderauge einiges bieten! Sehr leise in niedrigen Drehzahlen und trotzdem eine gute Kühlleistung. Der Lüfter kann auf jeden fall weiterempfohlen werden. Diese Version des Lüfters ist für rund 7,00 EUR zu haben."



6/6 Sternen fuer Produkt, Zubehör, Leistung, Optik, Preis und Qualität


Kann ohne Probleme weiter empfohlen werden!

September / 2008:

"Ko gero pagrindinė šios ap�valgos išvada būtų ta, jog papildoma korpuso ventiliacija gali turėti labai didelę įtaką visų kompiuterio komponentų temperatūroje, todėl tikrai rekomenduoju pasirūpinti bent jau vienu papildomu šiltą orą iš korpuso ištraukiančiu ventiliatoriumi. Bet visgi nenukrypkime nuo pagrindinės ap�valgos temos. GELID Silent 12 ventiliatoriai, kaip rodo testų rezultatai, gali pakankamai efektyviai pasirūpinti korpuso ventiliacija ir kartu stipriai nepadidinti bendro triukšmo lygio. Aušintuvai pagaminti kokybiškai, jiems suteikiama 5 metų garantija, kartu pridedami ir guminiai tvirtinimo laikikliai. Didelis privalumas yra tas, jog pirkėjai gali rinktis iš trijų skirtingų ventiliatorių modelių. Kokius modelius rinktis iš tiesų priklauso nuo kiekvieno �mogaus poreikių. Man asmeniškai labiausiai patiko PWM modelis, kadangi jis, kada tik pageidaujate gali veikti maksimaliomis apsukomis. TC modelis turėtų patikti tiems, kurių pagrindinės plokštės turi ribotas galimybes valdyti aušintuvų apsukas, o korpuse da�nai būna aukšta temperatūra. Paprasčiausias (tiesa, ir pigiausias) Silent 12 modelis galės tiesiog ramiai dirbti įmontuotas korpuse. PWM modelis kainuoja 7 eurus, TC - 7.20, o įprastinis modelis - 4.17 euro."

September / 2008:

"Ventilatoarele GELID din seria Silent s-au dovedit câştigătoare în majoritatea privinţelor. Fie că este vorba de performanţele termice care sunt la nivelul altor produse de top realizate de producători cu ani grei de experienţă, fie că ne interesează aspectul vizual cu care putem impresiona prietenii la un LAN Party sau urmărim obţinerea unui sistem silenţios, GELID au reuşit să fie din prima clipă unul dintre pretendenţii la coroana producătorilor de soluţii de răcire pentru calculatoare."


September / 2008:

"Technology sure does change quickly. It looks like just the other day the PWM technology was released to public and now a new era or PWM fans have been engineered. GELID Solutions is the first company that produces a higher modulation of PWM fans. As the technology drives forward so are demands for quicker, faster and more efficient cooling products. GELID Solutions is certainly on the way to the better and brighter future of PWM technology. Silent 12 PWM fan has performed very well in my opinion and deserves a highest score. With a low noise and hydro dynamic bearing, this make Silent 12 PWM one great fan! 10/10! Will recommend this fan to friends:) "


August / 2008:

"GELID Solutions konnte mit ihren frischen Lüftermodellen überzeugen. Das Know-How und gute Ideen haben zu einer wirklich guten Lüfterkollektion geführt. Jeder wird hier fündig: ob es nur ein Lüfter für den heimischen Bürorechner, ein Lüfter für den Server oder den High-End-Computer sein soll. Die Lüfter sind neben den von uns getesteten 120mm Varianten auch in 80 & 92mm erhältlich. Jeder Lüfter wird mit Vibrationsdämpfern zur Befestigung ausgeliefert, und ist mit einer Kabelummantelung ausgestattet. Und das ganze bei Preisen die sich sehen lassen können: Für knappe 4,20 Euro erhält man den Silent 12, für 7,00 Euro den Silent 12PWM und für 7,20 Euro den Silent 12TC. Faire Preise, vorallem wenn man die 5 Jahre Garantie bedenkt, die GELID auf alle ihre Lüfter gewährt. Aufgrund der guten Leistung und des absolut fairen Preises, verleihen wir den Lüftern der GELID Silent-Serie den Best Price Award."

August / 2008:

"GELID Solutions has come out with some very nice looking and great performing fans that most anyone would be happy to have in their systems either cooling the CPU or the system itself.
All three fans are very well made, and include some nice accessories as well.
GELID Solutions is a new company, and they seem to be on the right track with releasing some very nice products in the beginning, I look forward to find out what they will be releasing next, if they can come up with fans like these then the products to come should be very nice."


August / 2008:

"While the performance and noise levels of GELID Solutions' 120mm fans were relatively moderate in comparison to the other test fans, we have to remind ourselves that these fans are only the first offering from GELID. However, when it comes to GELID's 92mm offerings, they have without a doubt taken the cake when compared to Arctic Cooling. All of their fans managed to come out on top with more than enough room to spare, and certainly did not let us down.Performance, however, is not the only area in which to look at in this case though. High performance and low noise fans such as Noctua's NF-P12 come at a significant cost, at nearly $20 a piece. This is one area where GELID has struck hard, with the Wing 9 and Wing 12 retailing at $13.50 and $16.40 USD respectively, and the Silent 9 PWM and Silent 12 PWM retailing for $9.00 and $10.50 USD. With a price/performance ratio such as that, it makes GELID's current offerings very hard to resist.While we cannot yet place GELID Solutions as among the top cooling solutions companies, we certainly do look forward to seeing more of GELID in the future and we have great expectations for them as today, we have been far from disappointed."

August / 2008:

"Overall Gelid Solutions Wing and Silent series fans are great features and high quality cooling fan especially GELID Wing is really outstanding with its silent operation with great performance. There are available in 80, 92 and 120mm. For the pricing, Gelid Solutions Wing and Silent are not really expensive if you compare the price at Amazon, however it will be expensive for most of the end users expect those hardcore users. If you would like to get these fans as the CPU cooling fan for certain supported heatsink which be much reasonable rather than just purchase them for normal case fan usage unless money is not an issue for you."

C E V I N I T Y, April 2017


Юрий Хромченко, June 2016


G.P. Mods, June 2015


NekitaNet, May 2015


海ザルMAX, May 2013


Nihalum, October 2010


Please download manual here.

*INCLUDED: 4 Rubber Fan Mounts
Air Flow (CFM/CMH): 58
Bearing: Hydro Dynamic Bearing
Cable Length (mm): 500
Connector: 4 Pin
Current (A): 0.18
Dimension of Fan (mm): 120 x 120 x 25
Fan Speed (RPM): 750 – 1500
Noise Level (dBA): 12 – 25.5
Safety Approvals: CE, RoHS Compliant
Static Pressure (mmH2O): 1.6
Voltage (V): 12
Warranty (years): 5
Weight (g): 120